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IDAutomation Fonts Not Available in Fusion Pro


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Recently upgraded to 9.1 and have used this template since the update. I have tried over an over to get the barcode fonts to load. I use the Universal Type Server for Font management. The fonts are activated and I load fonts in Fusion Pro but the are still not available anyone have any ideas? Should these fonts be located somewhere else as well? Have restarted Fusion Pro and the MAC multiple times.
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I did a search for "IDAuto" in the font.err and font.ini and it didn't find any instances.

If a font not listed in either one of those files, then FusionPro isn't locating it all. There must be something about the way the third-party Universal Type Server application is handling the fonts that FusionPro can't see them. Like Alex said, they need to show up in the Font Book app.


Multiple rounds of testing, and thousands of installations in the field, of FusionPro 9.1, show that these fonts do load successfully on Mac without any third-party font utilities. Unfortunately, we can't possibly test with every third-party font utility out there.

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OK so if I open up Font Book, the fonts are not listed. Is that what you are talking about? How do I get them in there if that is the case?

That's a question to ask Extensis Support. It's their Universal Type font utility that's causing the problem. There's nothing we can do to troubleshoot their product.

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