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Dan Korn

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Dan Korn last won the day on April 22

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    Chicago, IL


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    Senior Development Engineer


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    Mainly Windows 10 Pro and macOS 13


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    Acrobat DC
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    FusionPro Senior Engineer / <b>Forum Moderator</b>

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  1. https://static.pti.com/downloads/FusionPro/Win32/FusionPro_13.1.2_Setup.exe https://static.pti.com/downloads/FusionPro/OSX/InstallFusionPro_v13.1.2.pkg Can I ask what's not working for you with the linear barcodes? Also, please note that the older barcode rules can still be used in 13.1.8, and you can create new instances of the older rules by copying the older XML files from the "TemplateXML-deprecated" folder (in "C:\ProgramData\PTI\FusionPro\Plug-ins" on Windows or "/Library/Preferences/PTI/FusionPro/Plug-ins" on Mac) into the sibling TemplateXML folder.
  2. This isn't really a related question, and should go into a new thread to avoid muddying the two questions. Have you tried going into the Window menu in InDesign and selecting the FusionPro menu item? Or, perhaps your version of InDesign was updated, in which case you need a new plug-in. If you're on Windows, you can run InstallPlugs.exe from "C:\Program Files\PTI\FusionPro" (or wherever it was installed). On Mac, you can re-run the FusionPro installer.
  3. Presumably you upgraded from FP version 10 or earlier. Yes, this is expected behavior. The output should still be correct. Further explanation: Due to necessary architectural changes between FP 10 and FP 11, the underlying text editing control will not allow text in the editor to be set in a font that doesn't support the selected characters. Since the barcode font supports only specific characters such as F, A, D, and T, or 0, 1, 2, and 3, to represent the four different kinds of bars, it can't be used to render the name of the data field you're applying it to as a variable. Thus, we have to output a special variable to have the editor mark the variable in that font. In any case, the output should still render correctly.
  4. Unfortunately, this is impossible to debug without the entire template. The contents of the data file are obviously relevant to what the rule is trying to do with the data, and the calls to FusionPro.Composition.SetBodyPageUsage() can't possibly work without the template PDF and its named pages. If you can collect up the job and post it here, someone might be able to look at it. However, if the data file contains protected or personal.confidential data, then please don't post it here; you can send it to Support and they can see if there is any help they can provide, or possibly paid template-building hours you can purchase. In either case, some plain-text description of the business requirements that this code and template are trying to fulfill would be helpful in the analysis.
  5. Sorry, we're still waiting for Adobe to fix this.
  6. No, sorry, SVG files are not usable in FusionPro. Valid graphic formats are PDF, PS/EPS, GIF, JPG, PNG, and TIFF.
  7. Yes, you can chain the frames together., then make a rule like so: return "<p verticalstart=topofcolumn>"; And insert it where you want the content to break to the next connected text frame. You may need to add the br=false attribute if you already have extra line breaks.
  8. This is a macOS issue, seemingly specific to Ventura (10.13), and occurs in multiple applications, including, as you have seen, Acrobat (even without the FusionPro plug-in), MS Word, and others. It happens sometimes for me as well. I'm still trying to research what can be done, but it has nothing to do with FusionPro; we're just caught up in it.
  9. You're on a Mac in Dark Mode, right? This is a known issue and will be fixed in an upcoming build. Sorry for the trouble.
  10. What rule are you doing this in? It has to be in OnRecordStart, not in OnJobStart. Also, the logic can be reduced to this: FusionPro.Composition.SetBodyPageUsage(Field("Le") + " Front", true); FusionPro.Composition.SetBodyPageUsage(Field("Le") + " Back", true);
  11. I don't think this is possible in FP Creator. This sounds like a job for FP Server, where could run two separate compositions. You could set a CFG entry that the OnRecordStart rule could read to determine which set of pages to activate.
  12. You could generalize Doug's solution to make an upper-case version of every data field, like so in OnRecordStart: for (var fieldName in FusionPro.Fields) FusionPro.Composition.AddVariable("Cap" + fieldName, ToUpper(Field(fieldName))); And you could do something similar with the ToTitleCase() function. However, I have to echo DSweet's warning about ToTitleCase. As I have also noted many times here on this forum, it's not possible to write a computer algorithm that can correctly "unmake the soup" of proper names which have been capitalized to go back to their original "proper" casing, as there are no strict rules about how names are capitalized, and the capitalization can be arbitrary. It's more art than science, and even with a database of common exceptions, a computer does not get to dictate to anyone how their name should be capitalized. It's not just names like "McDonalds" that you have to worry about, it's also names like "Mies van der Rohe", "O'Neil", "Leonardo di Caprio", and uncountable other possibilities, which are impossible to fully account for.
  13. It's still not clear whether you're composing with Producer or Server or some other system. That said, I would add the UNC path to the graphics in the Search Path box on the Advanced tab of the Composition Settings dialog. You'll need to make sure that the user account under which the composition is occurring (set up in the Producer Configuration app for Producer) has read access to the UNC share. Alternatively, you (or your IT person who sets up Producer) can add search paths to queues in the Producer Configuration app, on the Scheduler machine.
  14. What is this normal process? How is it accomplished? Is it done manually in FP Creator (in Acrobat), by someone hitting the Compose button on the Composition Settings dialog? Or is it an automated process via FusionPro Server? If it's done manually in Acrobat, then you can simply uncheck the "Use Imposition Definition" box. If it's an automated composition with FP Server, then you can disable imposition by adding the line "UseImpositionDefFile=No" at the end of the CFG file, or by setting the property CompositionRequest.Options.UseImposition = false in the object passed to the CreateCompositionSession function in the API. I would think that whatever file or setting that you're trying to use to key off of to set something in a JavaScript rule in the job could also be accessed to accomplish either of those programatically.
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