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Problem while uploading picture file in store


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A little "hello" from Paris where we do have a little problem (hope I post it at the right place…)


A customer cant realize the upload of some ID picts to compose some business cards. (she did similar order 2 months ago & it worked fine…)

The problem occurred on the 3 PC's of her office.


She send me the picts and I tried from my Mac with her account, everything works fine (files not too heavy & with correct names).


As we encountered a problem months ago that was resolved by changing the order in the list of "choice of preferred languages to display the pages" in Firefox preferences, I'd like to know if there is something to check in Internet explorer preferences ( and where in the options because I'm not really a PC user…).


Of course She didn't give me the version of Internet Explorer she uses and the error number displayed when the problem occurred…


If someone has an idea of what to check or where to search, I would be grateful.


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Thank you for your answer FreightTrain,


Since yesterday, I try to get more information from the customer (like softwares versions & number of error displayed) but I still wait for her answer.


But I tried by myself on one PC and had the same problem.

The display of the cropping action freeze.


See there on the PC :




Windows 7 / Internet explorer 9



and there on my Mac :




(Uncle Kim is OK…)





A few months ago, we have had that kind of problem in the Manager (impossible to upload a template). It occurred just after an update of the browser. The solution to the problem was (for Firefox that I use) to set the preferences this way :


Contents / Choice of preferred language to display web pages / & set the English/US in first position as shown in the screen capt. of my french version.





We think that we & the customer have the same kind of problem But unfortunately, I didn't found how to get the same settings on InternetExplorer on a PC.


If you can give us your thoughts about the thing…

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We had the same problem in march, keep getting error cannot upload image

support sent me a ticket number FPW-22618.

Still no news has of this day...

We managed to find a solution, (that i sent but they say it's not related... anyways)

If you change your language settings in tools options internet go to language in the general tab, put EN-US in top position, that did the trick for us.

But that's not a good one if you have multiple clients.

Firefox seems to be working better then IE


Hope this helps

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I tested my site just to make sure, scared for a while... works ok on firefox.

Was able to recreate the problem in IE... i think that there is a problem with the internal function InitImageFit('http://images.printable.com/template_upload/PrintOneImages/163483/55384ccd-7387-4911-b7ea-c83252a3d98e/fit_myimagerenamed_it.jpg',3360,2248,3.755,2.625,72,false,0)

because if i paste the path to the image the image comes up. View source code of the error page at the bottom. I'm going to send it to support


I can also see a commented code line for IE, don't know if it's related


<!--[if IE]><script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="../js/excanvas.js"></script> <![endif]-->

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I do have some results today !


Add languages in IE, restarted, and now, I can upload the pict and the full window of the "crop" step is displayed on the screen. But the box of the pict remains grey, like if the pict file was missing. If I validate, error number 31023 appears.

I will try again later, maybe the browser need some time…

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