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Andre Globensky

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Everything posted by Andre Globensky

  1. You are welcome Support have replied to my e-mail, they are taking a look at it trying to recreate the problem.
  2. I tested my site just to make sure, scared for a while... works ok on firefox. Was able to recreate the problem in IE... i think that there is a problem with the internal function InitImageFit('http://images.printable.com/template_upload/PrintOneImages/163483/55384ccd-7387-4911-b7ea-c83252a3d98e/fit_myimagerenamed_it.jpg',3360,2248,3.755,2.625,72,false,0) because if i paste the path to the image the image comes up. View source code of the error page at the bottom. I'm going to send it to support I can also see a commented code line for IE, don't know if it's related <!--[if IE]><script type="text/javascript" language="javascript" src="../js/excanvas.js"></script> <![endif]-->
  3. Yes tools internet option, general tab, language, add en-us, i tried just adding it, but it has to be on top of the list. For both latest release of Firefox and IE.
  4. We had the same problem in march, keep getting error cannot upload image support sent me a ticket number FPW-22618. Still no news has of this day... We managed to find a solution, (that i sent but they say it's not related... anyways) If you change your language settings in tools options internet go to language in the general tab, put EN-US in top position, that did the trick for us. But that's not a good one if you have multiple clients. Firefox seems to be working better then IE Hope this helps
  5. Hello Eric, ( Hello Alex, helpful post thanks ) in FP Desktop in the OnJobStart, Load("yourlib.js"); in the composition settings / advanced "Search Path" put the location of your file x:\\aaa\\ccc OR \\UNC\\aaa\\ccc
  6. Hello EricC, here is a starter, i know that this works in your graphic rule : pic = CreateResource("http://yoursite/" + Field("***") + ".eps" , "graphic" , true ); return pic BUT... there is no way to test if the file is on server or if the server is up and running.
  7. old post but does any body know if this can be done? I also did some test and it wasn't working, stumbled on this thread searching for a solution. I need to keep some form field action button. Thank you
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