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Slow Composing Times

Tony Olivas

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Since upgrading to 6.0 for the Mac Composing times have increased.


My weekly job that I have always run takes 4 hours to compose. Last week it took 7 hours and last night it took a whooping 12 hours!


What changed from 4.2 to 6.0 besides that I upgraded to CS4?


Will uninstalling Adobe and re-installing help?


Or is my machine too slow for it (see sig)?


Can I get a refund if nothing works?


Any fixes out there?

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My opinion is that the amount of memory that you have maybe too low.

2GB to run CS4 with FusionPro. I would invest in more memory, especially if you are "composing" locally. Check out http://www.crucial.com/index.aspx for pricing on memory to see what will fit. I would have at least 6GB of memory and at some of these prices it should be worth it.[url=http://www.crucial.com/index.aspx][/url]

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What changed from 4.2 to 6.0 besides that I upgraded to CS4?

A lot changed in FusionPro between versions 4 and 6 besides just adding support for multiple new versions of Acrobat, Quark, InDesign, Windows and Mac OS, including Intel Mac support, Text on a Curve, Drop Shadows, numerous JavaScript enhancements, and Imposition enhancements, just to name some of the changes.


But the biggest change, which probably has the most impact on composition time, is the addition of support for Unicode. Composing double-byte characters is much more intensive than single-byte.


If you do not need Unicode support in your jobs, you can reduce the composition time by checking the "Limit Processing to Latin-1/MacRoman text" box on the Advanced tab of the Composition Settings dialog. For FusionPro Server, you can add the CFG file setting "DisableUnicodeFont=Yes". If you don't need Unicode support for any jobs, you can uncheck the "Enable Asian character support" box on the Advanced Settings dialog and re-load fonts.

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