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Fusion Pro shuts down

Tony Olivas

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I don't know if this has been addressed in a past thread.

But the problem I'm having is that Fusion Pro version 5.8 is shutting down and not finishing composing. It also happens when I try to preview my variable data.


I get an error message saying it needs to be reinstalled to fix the problem which I did but it still shuts down when composing.


I need 5.8 because it supports CS3 which I'm operating as a back up on separate Mac for a current employee.


FYI- I bought version 5.0 and dicommissioned 4.2 when I upgraded to 6.0.

So I have 2 MACs one runs 6.0 and the other 5.0 with 5.8 upgrade.

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I can only speak for the PC side of things but I've had issues like this in the past and the only way to "correct" the issue was to re-install CS3, immediately do the updates, re-start the computer, and install FusionPro.


Make sure that you un-install everything correctly if you have to go this route as I'm not sure on how the MAC-side works. FusionPro has un-install notes I know for the PC-side.


Good luck.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Any follow up on this thread? I am having the same problem, with a similar configuration (FusionPro 5.8P2c on a G5 Power PC Mac running 10.5.8 Leopard). I used the CS3 DVD-ROM to deactivate first and then uninstall all CS3 software. I rebooted, and resinstalled CS3. I rebooted and then ran all CS3 updates. I rebooted and installed FusionPro, which still continues to crash when either clicking on the "preview" checkbox and/or when composing to a template. I installed clean, with NO other plug-ins to Acrobat 8. It works on my 10.4.11 Power PC G4, but once I tried to move it over, I could never get it working on my G5. Would love to hear a fix, as I have now invested about 12 hours in this issue.


Christian J Nuxoll • PrePress


PowerPC G5 Macintosh 10.5.8 • 8GB RAM • FusionPro 5.8P2c • PitStop 7.51

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I have'nt been able to trouble shoot that Mac. Since I don't have CS3 but do have the serial to re-install it.


Now it seems I'm having trouble with 6.0 for the Mac.


It is composing very slow. 4.2 version would be done in 2 hours but now it is taking 6 hours on version 6.0. What the heck!


I think I screwed myself with decommissioning it and going to with 6.0.

I'm thinking my machine is not fast enough.


Any thoughts out there.

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Mine is acting weird but it's something that I feel is OS(Vista). When opening a template(not previewing), and going to the 2nd page(address-side and variables), Acrobat just quits. I'll re-open Acrobat, open the FP doc., and go to page two again and then it works. This happens on about 7 out of 10 projects. I know Windows 7 was suppose to help 3rd party software and I'm trying to get the boss to upgrade for $199.00. I'd probably do a fresh install of CS4 and FusionPro after upgrading to see if it goes away.
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Christian, I believe your issue was resolved offline by upgrading to FusionPro 6.0. Tony, you may be having the same issue. However, it's very hard to diagnose these kinds of issues in the context of the user-to-user forum. And when others chime in about similar issues, with different versions of FusionPro on different platforms, it may seem helpful, but it usually just ends up confusing the issue, and ultimately makes is more difficult for us to diagnose what are likely to be two or more completely different problems. Your best bet for these kinds of issues is to go through Support, who can route your specific issue as appropriate for the proper analysis.
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Tony, you may be having the same issue. However, it's very hard to diagnose these kinds of issues in the context of the user-to-user forum.



I got two Macs one runs 5.8 and the other I upgraded to 6.0.

The machine that runs 5.8 is the one that crashes/shuts down upon composing. But now the Mac the I run 6.0 is running slow. I did get a call from support earlier and he suggested I uncheck the "Enable Asian character support" box from the Advanced settings and reload fonts. I've tested it and I got about 338 records faster in 30mins. He also suggested that I down-grade to 5.0 if I wanted more speed out it or if that did not work . I'll test that theory later.


What do you think? Maybe a memory upgrade could help?


Thanks for your help.

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I got two Macs one runs 5.8 and the other I upgraded to 6.0.

The machine that runs 5.8 is the one that crashes/shuts down upon composing.

Like I said, that may or may not be the same issue. I suggest going through Support for crash-type problems.

But now the Mac the I run 6.0 is running slow. I did get a call from support earlier and he suggested I uncheck the "Enable Asian character support" box from the Advanced settings and reload fonts. I've tested it and I got about 338 records faster in 30mins.

Let's please deal with one issue at a time, in one thread per issue. Actually, you already have another thread about that:


Please check my response there.

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