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Copyhole error when file is imposed


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I'm working on a job with a PDF element in the background. When I compose the job without imposition turned on, everything is fine. If I turn imposition on, it get "No value associated to graphic copyhole. <PDF> in record 1, etc...".

Does anyone have an idea as to why this is happening?


We do a fair amount of jobs like this where it's better to have a "template" file where I can just copy in the background PDF and I'm not setting up a new file every time. Hopefully this error is just something I'm doing wrong on my part and not an issue with FP.

YC_Response Card_fpsetup.zip

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This is a bug, specific to stacked imposition. If you're using imposition without stacking, or no imposition at all, then the graphic resource will work in the output.


I did make a fix for this (FP-550), which will be included in a future release.

(Unfortunately we just missed getting this into the most recent 12.1.2 release.)


The ability to use a resource directly in a graphic frame like this was a new feature in FP 11. As lasdoog points out, the workaround is to create a Graphic rule to return the resource, as in previous versions of FusionPro.


Sorry for the trouble.

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