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OnRecordStart error no 1036


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Hi everyone;

I have a template with different bodypages.

The pages have different names (Page Usage) which are also present in an excel file.


the OnRecordStart rule I made is the following:


if (ToLower(Field("accountmanager")) == "Ed")







else if (ToLower(Field("Accountmanager")) == "Jasper")







return ""


When I compose a job (just the first 10 records) I get the following error message:

FusionPro could not find the first body page for this document. Composition stopped withe errors. Error no 1036.


In the FusionPro Composition System the following message appears:

Processing begun

No page is emitted, please check page usage in your input file.


In the log file I can read:

Job started 08:43:09 - 1629787389.

Creator: FusionPro® VDP Creator 10.1.11

Computer Name:

Current working folder: /Applications/PTI/FusionPro

Temporary files folder: /var/folders/sl/j0mzn4wn705chv47_vpbvxjm0000gr/T/

Template File: /Volumes/Var_Print/SMG/2106149 Ansichtkaarten Groeten Uit/2106149 ansichtkaarten testjelle.dif

Input File: /Users/test/Desktop/Adviseurs tbv vakantiekaart NIEUWJelle.xls

Job Config File: /Users/test/Desktop/Kaarten-Output.cfg

Preprocessing started 08:43:09 - 1629787389.

Preprocessing record #1, input record 1

Preprocessing record #2, input record 2

Preprocessing record #3, input record 3

Preprocessing record #4, input record 4

Preprocessing record #5, input record 5

Preprocessing record #6, input record 6

Preprocessing record #7, input record 7

Preprocessing record #8, input record 8

Preprocessing record #9, input record 9

Preprocessing record #10, input record 10

Preflight ended 08:43:09 - 1629787389.

Composing record #1, input record 1

No page is emitted, please check page usage in your input file.


Composing record #2, input record 2

No page is emitted, please check page usage in your input file.


Composing record #3, input record 3

No page is emitted, please check page usage in your input file.


Composing record #4, input record 4

No page is emitted, please check page usage in your input file.


Composing record #5, input record 5

No page is emitted, please check page usage in your input file.


Composing record #6, input record 6

No page is emitted, please check page usage in your input file.


Composing record #7, input record 7

No page is emitted, please check page usage in your input file.


Composing record #8, input record 8

No page is emitted, please check page usage in your input file.


Composing record #9, input record 9

No page is emitted, please check page usage in your input file.


Composing record #10, input record 10

No page is emitted, please check page usage in your input file.


A blank page is emitted since no record is composed properly.


Job ended 08:43:09 - 1629787389.

Total Job Time:

No page is emitted, please check page usage in your input file.


Can somebody help me out with this error message?

Greetings from the Netherlands

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You need to change these 2 lines of code. You are changing both of the fields to lowercase but you are looking for uppercase letters. This is why you are not getting any pages to show.


if (ToLower(Field("accountmanager")) == "ed")

else if (ToLower(Field("Accountmanager")) == "jasper")

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  • 2 years later...

I'm also having this error as well.

First here is my Page Usage

1 Body (Unused) O Front

2 Body (Unused O Back

3 Body (Unused) C Front

4 Body (Unused) C Back

Here are my rules

if (Field("Le") == "O")
FusionPro.Composition.SetBodyPageUsage("O Front", true);
FusionPro.Composition.SetBodyPageUsage("O Back", true);
if (Field("Le") == "C")
FusionPro.Composition.SetBodyPageUsage("C Front", true);
FusionPro.Composition.SetBodyPageUsage("C Back", true);

Any help is much appreciated. Thank you!

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I'm also having this error as well.

My Page Usage is as follows

1 Body (Unused) O Front

2 Body (Unused) O Back

3 Body (Unused) C Front

4 Body (Unused) C Back

Here are my Rules

if (Field("Le") == "O")
FusionPro.Composition.SetBodyPageUsage("O Front", true);
FusionPro.Composition.SetBodyPageUsage("O Back", true);
if (Field("Le") == "C")
FusionPro.Composition.SetBodyPageUsage("C Front", true);
FusionPro.Composition.SetBodyPageUsage("C Back", true);

Here are just a few lines of my logo report

uncaught exception: Error: In Field(), no data source defined or data could not be loaded
Job started 13:18:53 - 1718734733.
Creator: FusionPro(R) VDP Creator 13.1.8
Computer Name: 
Current working folder: /Applications/PTI/FusionPro
Temporary files folder: /var/folders/26/4_jn7gk106s2fnbvzkfb23l40000gn/T/
Input File: /Users/graphics4/Desktop/202507 HH - SPRING APPEAL & REMITT ENV/DATA/NON-SOLICITOR/202507 REV Non SOL Mail VDP.txt
Job Config File: /private/var/folders/26/4_jn7gk106s2fnbvzkfb23l40000gn/T/202507 REV Non SOL Mail VDP-Output.cfg
Composing record #1, input record 1
No page is emitted, please check page usage in your input file.

Composing record #2, input record 2
No page is emitted, please check page usage in your input file.

Composing record #3, input record 3
No page is emitted, please check page usage in your input file.

Composing record #4, input record 4
No page is emitted, please check page usage in your input file.

Composing record #5, input record 5
No page is emitted, please check page usage in your input file.

Composing record #6, input record 6
No page is emitted, please check page usage in your input file.

Composing record #7, input record 7
No page is emitted, please check page usage in your input file.

Composing record #8, input record 8
No page is emitted, please check page usage in your input file.

Composing record #9, input record 9
No page is emitted, please check page usage in your input file.

Composing record #10, input record 10
No page is emitted, please check page usage in your input file.


Any advice or assistance would be great! Thank you.

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Thanks for your response.

Here is just a small part of my variable data

"COMPANY","FULLNAME","ALTADDR","DELADDR","CITY","ST","ZIPCODE","Intelligent Mail barcode","Container Piece Number","Sack and Pa","Opt. Endorsement Line","Vis","Presort Se","Le","Short Salutation Letter"

I can also attach if needed. Thanks again!

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What rule are you doing this in?  It has to be in OnRecordStart, not in OnJobStart.

Also, the logic can be reduced to this:

FusionPro.Composition.SetBodyPageUsage(Field("Le") + " Front", true);
FusionPro.Composition.SetBodyPageUsage(Field("Le") + " Back", true);


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