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Imposition Duplexing Defaults to Long Edge

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I am having an issue with an Imposition I am building for a Rollem slitter. I have it set up on the sheet how I want it but the Duplexing choice keeps staying on Long edge when I choose Short Edge and hit okay. The next time I go into the options, it's back to Long Edge and both choices are checked. Is there any way to fix this? I'm getting the second page of the document rotating 180 degrees because of this. I did not have this problem last week when I started building the imposition layout. I'm attaching the Imposition file here to look at.


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I tried it with Rotation off and it doesn't work that way either. It still defaults to long edge even when I choose short edge. I must have forgot to turn off the rotation on the file I attached here. Sorry about that.


I opened the file you attached and composed with it and page 2 is rotated 180 degrees. And it changed to long edge after I chose short edge.

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This is a known issue with FP Imposer on Mac. It will be fixed in an upcoming patch build of FusionPro VDP 10 for Mac.


There are a couple of workarounds. One is to use the FP Imposer app on Windows. The other is to edit the FPI file in a text editor and change the line "FlipOnShortEdge=True" to "FlipOnShortEdge=False", or vice-versa.

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