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not getting the same results when uploading job to server to produce output


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If I don't check "use fusionpro producer on scheduler" I get my desired results.


My results from server is blank pages when "use fusionpro producer on scheduler" is check?


My cover page is being called via this rule:

Pic = CreateResource("j:/masked path/BundleSlipSheet-Output.pdf", "graphic", true);

//Pic = CreateResource("//masked UNC path/BundleSlipSheet-Output.pdf", "graphic", true);

Pic.pagenumber = Field("ID");

return Pic;


My insert pages are the 25 pages in their respective rules (pagenumber increments for the other 24 pages)

Pic = CreateResource("J:/masked path/Production/Job 46759 OH8201011-Output"+Field("ID")+".pdf", "graphic", true);

//Pic = CreateResource("//masked path/Production/Job 46759 OH8201011-Output"+Field("ID")+".pdf", "graphic", true);

Pic.pagenumber = 1;

return Pic;


What am I doing wrong, I have the path correct in advance composition screen.


Thanks in advance for your help.

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On your server is the J drive mapped to the same location as it is on your local machine? I imagine that it's not. In fact, I bet you have several lines in your .msg log informing you that the server is unable to find a graphic at that location.


I would suggest using UNC paths for those graphics. Find out what the J: drive is mapped to on your local machine:

1. Open Command Prompt (Start > Run.. > cmd > enter)

2. Enter the following and make a note of the "remote" that corresponds with "J:":

net use

Then change your code accordingly:

path = '\\\\remote\\server\\';
Pic = CreateResource(path + "BundleSlipSheet-Output.pdf", "graphic", true);

path = '\\\\remote\\server\\';
Pic = CreateResource(path + "Production\\Job 46759 OH8201011-Output"+Field("ID")+".pdf", "graphic", true);

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On your server is the J drive mapped to the same location as it is on your local machine? I imagine that it's not. In fact, I bet you have several lines in your .msg log informing you that the server is unable to find a graphic at that location.


I would suggest using UNC paths for those graphics.

Step is correct. You need to use UNC paths instead of user-specific mounted drive letters if the job is going to be composed on another machine. However, instead of hard-coding the path into your rules, you can simply specify the file names in the rules, and specify the path in the Search Path on the Advanced tab of the Composition Settings dialog.

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We were testing a test license on new hardware and found out that it worked there.


It appears that the user account on the old machine did not have access rights to the working folder and was not able to access the resources.



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Now, I'm not getting the same results with Postscript files.


Looks like it's not creating resource, after it writes out a new filename (I have make multiple output files checked and set to 20 records in output tab)


PDF wise it's okay.


What went wrong there?

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Now, I'm not getting the same results with Postscript files.


Looks like it's not creating resource, after it writes out a new filename (I have make multiple output files checked and set to 20 records in output tab)


PDF wise it's okay.


What went wrong there?

I don't know. Look at the composition log (.msg) file.

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Top few lines of PS file creation *postscript.txt* file...


I'm at a lost. Must be a postscript deal.


Thanks for all your help.

Okay, I suspect that the problem is that the user account you're running the jobs under for Producer has read access to that UNC folder, but not write access. The thing is, for PostScript output, FusionPro needs to convert any PDF graphics to PostScript (and vice-versa for composing PDF output with PostScript graphics). So it needs to be able to write back to that folder to create the PostScript versions of those PDF graphics.


The other thing you could try, other than granting write permissions to that UNC share to the user account for Producer, is to add the graphic as a resource in the job, so that it gets collected with it.


Or, as a last resort, you could manually print the PDFs to PostScript.


It's hard to help further with a problem that's specific to your Producer configuration like this in the context of this User Forum. You may get better results via Support.

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got it!......acrobat was not installed on the new server...so we will have to install acrobat/distiller on new server and it should do the trick.


old server never had access to resource directories......so when we did give it access it worked.


time to go watch some Simpsons now.

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