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EPS background file not showing up.


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Please see code below, I have used the rule Insert a picture from file based on a database field. I have entered all the eps files by using the pathway, is it too complex maybe? Each person has a different eps background that has a specific address.



thank you for your time and help!




var Var1 = "Location";
var Var2 = ".eps";
var Var3 = "/Volumes/Design/CREATIVE/MARCOM/CDC/Metropolitan Gastroenterology Group/CDC-MGG-DR Folder/CDC-MGG-DR.zip_1";
var Var4 = "CDC-MGG-DR-BETH.eps";

temp = '';
var_extension = ''; 
has_extension = '';

if (Var3 == "")
Var3 = Var3;
if (FusionPro.isMac)
 Var3 = Var3 + ":";
 Var3 = Var3 + "\\";

for (i=0; i<Field(Var1).length; i++)
temp = Mid(Field(Var1), Field(Var1).length-i,1);
var_extension = temp + var_extension;
var_extension = ToLower(var_extension);
if(var_extension == ".png" || var_extension == ".pdf" || var_extension == ".gif" || var_extension == ".eps" || var_extension == ".tif" || var_extension == ".tiff" || var_extension == ".jpg" || var_extension == ".jpeg")
 has_extension = "true";
 has_extension = "false";

if(has_extension == "true")
Pic = CreateResource(Var3 + Field(Var1), "graphic", true);

if(Var2 == ".jpg")
 Pic = CreateResource(Var3 + Field(Var1) + ".jpeg", "graphic", true);
 if (Pic.exists)
  Pic = Pic;
  Pic = CreateResource(Var3 + Field(Var1) + ".jpg", "graphic", true);

if(Var2 == ".tif")
 Pic = CreateResource(Var3 + Field(Var1) + ".tif", "graphic", true);
 if (Pic.exists)
  Pic = Pic;
  Pic = CreateResource(Var3 + Field(Var1) + ".tiff", "graphic", true);

if(Var2 == ".png" || Var2 == ".pdf" || Var2 == ".eps" || Var2 == ".gif")
 Pic = CreateResource(Var3 + Field(Var1) + Var2, "graphic", true);


if (Pic.exists)
return Pic;

return CreateResource(Var3 + Var4, "graphic", true);

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In my experience with eps files you will want to make sure the size is correct for your graphics box. I have some clients that think the eps is 2 X 1 and when it is opened in acrobat the file is 8.5 X 11 with the art down in the corner. Just an FYI from my experience.
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thanks guys, yea i tried using a jpeg BC size 3.5x2 instead and it worked but the quality was not so great, so i tried next best thing, a PDF, and that works just as good as an EPS, but not sure y an eps wouldnt work when that is an option. Ill keep the sizing in mind.
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