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We have stores that use different user groups to restrict access to products that can be ordered. They also want to use the Featured Products functionality. MarcomCentral is now allowing users with no access to these products to order these products.


Have any of you run into this? Do you have a work-around?


We also used to be able to order the products in the Featured Products section, so they displayed on the page in the order the client wanted them. Now, we can no longer do this. The system displays them by its own assigned product id which makes no sense that we have lost this control.

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I just posted this under Manager Specific, then realized there was a main MarcomCentral forum. I'm posting here for more people to see it.


We have stores that use different user groups to restrict access to products that can be ordered. They also want to use the Featured Products functionality. MarcomCentral is now allowing users with no access to these products to order these products.


Have any of you run into this? Do you have a work-around?


We also used to be able to order the products in the Featured Products section, so they displayed on the page in the order the client wanted them. Now, we can no longer do this. The system displays them by its own assigned product id which makes no sense that we have lost this control.

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By design, the home page is visible to all users. Featured products being on that page, follows the same guidelines. As you know, Groups does not filter Featured Products, so you would need to create either the Catalog section, as your Group filtered section or a subsection under Catalog.


As far as adjusting the order of Product in the Featured Products section, I just check one of my Stores and I have the ability to adjust the order of the items in the Featured Products section. Select one of the Products and use the up/down arrow buttons along the top of the Catalog Tree.

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It really makes no sense that the platform would show & allow someone to order a product that they do not have access to.


Also, it would be nice if the Featured Product display order still worked. Unfortunately, it was broken with one of the site updates. You can order them in Feature section of the catalog editor all day, but the system ignores this now. It orders them by the system assigned Product ID and ignores the order in the catalog editor.

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