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We have fields in our data where people can add registered trademarks to their professional designations and they display correctly in FusionPro preview but show up as " when you compose on the server. I know you can write a rule &reg after a field but the trademark is already in the data, so would I need to strip it from those fields in the data?

Are Server and Desktop (Preview) on two different platforms? We swap out the various symbols with their HTML entity-equivalents during form submission to handle cross-platform problems with ASCII differences.


You could also create a rule that replaces whatever appears in your data with the correct entity and check the tagged result checkbox to correct in FP:

return Field('DESIGNATIONS').replace(/"/g,"®");



It is on two different platforms. Desktop is Mac and Server is on PC. I'm looking for global rule that would be in the OnRecordStart callback so it looks for the registered trademark in all 217 data fields. This rule works for just one field, right?

I'm looking for global rule that would be in the OnRecordStart callback so it looks for the registered trademark in all 217 data fields.

This should work:

for (var f in FusionPro.Fields)
   FusionPro.Composition.AddVariable(f, TaggedDataField(f).replace(/®/g,"®"), true);

Although I'd be interested to see the job to try to figure out why it doesn't work as-is.

I'd love to know why it doesn't work without this rule. It appears in the preview and composes on the desktop (1 record) and appears correctly. It just doesn't work on the server. I tried this rule in the OnStartRecord rule and it doesn't work. I changed it to UntaggedDataField and that doesn't work either. I'm kind of out of options right now. Quotations also don't work from out tab delimited text file either.
I'd love to know why it doesn't work without this rule. It appears in the preview and composes on the desktop (1 record) and appears correctly. It just doesn't work on the server. I tried this rule in the OnStartRecord rule and it doesn't work. I changed it to UntaggedDataField and that doesn't work either. I'm kind of out of options right now. Quotations also don't work from out tab delimited text file either.

It's hard to say without seeing the job. Can you post an example that demonstrates the problem? The version of FusionPro running on the Server would be good to know as well.

Update: Saving the tab delimited text file as a UTF-16 text file has fixed my registered trade mark issues. It doesn't solve the quotation issues, but at least I'm moving forward. Somewhat. Is there a reason I would need to save data files this way?
Update: Saving the tab delimited text file as a UTF-16 text file has fixed my registered trade mark issues. It doesn't solve the quotation issues, but at least I'm moving forward. Somewhat. Is there a reason I would need to save data files this way?

Hmm, there appears to be something wrong with the Zip file you uploaded. I can't open it after downloading.


In any case, yes, using Unicode (UTF-16 or UTF-8) works around a huge number of problems with ambiguity regarding the 8-bit encoding of your data, specifically for characters which have different code points in the default 8-bit encodings on Mac (Mac Roman) and Windows (Windows-1252, a.k.a "ANSI", which is a superset of Latin-1).


The problem would also likely be resolved by opening the Define Data Source Wizard, clicking to the third step (Data Source - Flat File) and changing the encoding from Default to Mac Roman.


But going forward, I would recommend using Unicode as much as possible. It's not an 8-bit world anymore.

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