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Fonts not working in Compose

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When I go to Compose a file in Producer, all the fonts show up as Helvetica on the output PDF. The Embed Fonts box is checked on the output tab and we have loaded the fonts on the server with FontLoader. Any suggestions would help. Can we manually add the fonts we need to a folder on the server? If so, where should it be located?
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When it composes, I get this error:


Collect finished with possible errors. Please check the log file in </private/var/folders/Vs/VsrIblroF6eiTqpndHxhlE+++TI/-Tmp-/TemporaryItems/FusionPro_collect.msg>.


And I can't view the Log. I'm posting the .msg file that I changed to a .txt file so I could look at it. The file came from the FPDirect/Submitted/1361478261 folder.


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When I click that in the Direct Monitor, it opens in the browser and times out so I've never actually seen what the log looks like for a file I compose. Could that be a port issue?

If you can view the output, you should be able to view the log file too. Just change the last bit of the URL in the browser from ".pdf" to ".msg".


If that still doesn't work, you can manually locate the composition folder in a subfolder of the Working Directory for FP Direct.

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Figured out the Log issue. It was an accidental space being added in the file name. It says that the missing fonts aren't loaded. Does that need to be done on the server side? I have loaded all fonts on my desk top version and they appear correctly. We have also run the fontloader.exe command and they still aren't loading. Any other way the fonts can be loaded?
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Figured out the Log issue. It was an accidental space being added in the file name. It says that the missing fonts aren't loaded. Does that need to be done on the server side? I have loaded all fonts on my desk top version and they appear correctly. We have also run the fontloader.exe command and they still aren't loading. Any other way the fonts can be loaded?

The fonts should be collected up with the job in Assets.dat. Are these fonts you're using directly in the Variable Text Editor in the template? Or are they fonts you're calling out with markup tags in rules?

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They are fonts used in the Text Editor. Do I need to move the Assets.dat folder somewhere else on the server?

No, you shouldn't need to move anything. The Assets.dat is collected up with the rest of the job. I recommend sending the collected job to Support, as it's hard to diagnose font issues in the context of this forum.

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