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Copyright Symbol Incorrect


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I can't seem to get the Register symbol in my data to come across correctly on my MAC. I have tried changing the encoding to everything when defining my data. This file works just fine using Fusion Pro on my PC. Any ideas??? Edited by dreimer
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There are several options.


The simplest is to set the encoding of the data file in the Define Data Source Wizard. On the third dialog, change the drop-down from "Default" to "Latin-1".


If you want to edit the data to include a ® entity instead, you don't necessarily have to convert the data to tagged text; you can still use flat-file data with entities as long as you check the "Treat field values as tagged text" box in the Data Source Wizard.


You could also try converting the file to Unicode (UTF-16).


Or, you could write a simple JavaScript rule to replace the character on Mac; something like this:

if (FusionPro.isMac)
    return ReplaceSubstring(Field("YourFieldName"), "®", "®");

In FusionPro 8.1, there's also a ConvertWindowsEncodingToNative() function you can call from JavaScript.

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I tried both of your first two suggestions and they don't work in preview of composition. I always have this problem with special characters, maybe I have something set incorrectly in preferences or something. I will try the .isMac suggestion here in a little bit. I have already manipulated the flat input data do get what I needed, just was wondering if there were easier ways to do it.
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Since the data was created on the Windows side, the easiest solution would be the replace any instance of ® in your data file with "®". Then replace "®" (FusionPro side) with "®" which is common between the two platforms.


You might be able to interpret the windows ASC character with JavaScript with something like:

return Chr(Asc("Æ"));


but I'm not sure about that.

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OK, I attached the collected job. I only included one of the color tiffs of the 18 the job will use to make it small enough to upload. The template is now 18 pages because I had to manually create some of the versions (pages) because the way the superscripting limited me. I would have like to keep it one page and have the data switch to create the version.


Scratch that, I get a database error trying to upload the 1.6MB collected file????

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OK, I attached the collected job. I only included one of the color tiffs of the 18 the job will use to make it small enough to upload. The template is now 18 pages because I had to manually create some of the versions (pages) because the way the superscripting limited me. I would have like to keep it one page and have the data switch to create the version.


Scratch that, I get a database error trying to upload the 1.6MB collected file????

Sorry, our IT people are still working on the upload issues. Can you attach just the template PDF and the data file? The TIFF images shouldn't be relevant to the character encoding issue in question.

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So I changed just the page 1 and page 6 of the template to black text since the tiffs are not included and the background would be missing. The data comes across fine on my PC but on the MAC no matter what I try in the definition of the data, it will not work as is. Record 43 is where my problem starts. I left page 6 to show me hardcoding the field the way I want and then under that how it comes in from the variable field. This is why I made the template 18 pages so I could make the changes for versions with problems. I guess I could have left it one page and wrote some rules to do the same. Either way, just trying to figure out a way to get the MAC to see the data the same as the PC. Thanks.



Edited by dreimer
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OK, I will give it a try. Is there a reason the else is after the "//"?


Also, is there a way to incorporate my superscript rule into that same rule?


var s = Field("Category Description"); // replace with your field
return s.replace(/\®/g,"<superscript>®</superscript>");

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OK, I will give it a try. Is there a reason the else is after the "//"?

After a "return" statement, the "else" statement is moot, since you're exiting the rule anyway. You could uncomment the "else" and it would work exactly the same way.

Also, is there a way to incorporate my superscript rule into that same rule?


var s = Field("Category Description"); // replace with your field
return s.replace(/\®/g,"<superscript>®</superscript>");

Just have the rule doing the superscripting call the other rule.

Hmmm, it previews the rule correctly, but when I impose it doesn't come out correctly. I tried the treat return strings as tagged text box checked and unchecked, no difference.

You need to be more specific about exactly how it's not coming out correctly. If you post the FPI file, I can try to reproduce what you're seeing.

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Sorry I didn't phrase that correctly. The data string looks correct when I validate the rule, but when I preview the template or compose it, the data string isn't correct. I haven't even applied the imposition file.

The output looks correct when I compose your sample job, with that change, in FusionPro 8.2 on my Mac. But I don't have all your fonts. So I would try to output in Helvetica and see it that looks right. If so, then it's a font-specific issue. If not, then the issue would seem to be specific to the version of FusionPro.


Also, are you sure you're using the result of the rule in your output?

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