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Intelligent Mail Barcode Rule problem


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Greetings. I am having an issue using the IMBarcode Rule.


Currently I'm using Bell+Howell Mail Manager LE to generate the delimited file used by FusionPro to lay out my mailing pieces.


My problem is, when I get to the point of inserting the Intelligent Mail Barcode Rule, and I get it to use the ZIP information, a barcode isn't generated. It only displays {Intelligent Mail Barcode Rule} in the space when its previewed.


I'm not sure if the Bell+Howell Mail Manager can export the info needed for the IMBarcode, or if its something I need to make FusionPro generate on its own. And I'm not even sure how to do that. Its Day One for me using this software.


Any help would be much appreciated.

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Simple checkbox in Mail Manager in your label designer. Uncheck the output as digits.


I should be clear on this, I am not using the FP rule to generate the IMB, I'm just inserting the field from my data and applyinng the font.

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My problem is, when I get to the point of inserting the Intelligent Mail Barcode Rule, and I get it to use the ZIP information, a barcode isn't generated. It only displays {Intelligent Mail Barcode Rule} in the space when its previewed.

In order to determine why the rule is failing, you either need to do a full composition (not a Preview), or convert the rule to JavaScript and validate it.

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Simple checkbox in Mail Manager in your label designer. Uncheck the output as digits.


I should be clear on this, I am not using the FP rule to generate the IMB, I'm just inserting the field from my data and applyinng the font.


I went onto the Bell+Howell website and followed the instructions they have for printing a presorted output file from the BCC Mail Manager. There were no options for Alpha characters that I saw, after checking every tab and reading over everything.


I also tried what you suggested about applying the font to the field that BCC software generates, and nothing appears in the field when I preview or compose it. I apply the IDAutomation4State font.

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So when you add the Intellignet Mail Barcode field into the label it should give you a pop up window to edit your properties, including services and Mailer ID. Towards the bottom there is a check box that says output digits. Make sure that is unchecked.
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So when you add the Intellignet Mail Barcode field into the label it should give you a pop up window to edit your properties, including services and Mailer ID. Towards the bottom there is a check box that says output digits. Make sure that is unchecked.


Yes that is unchecked.

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Yes that's correct. Perhaps I'm applying the wrong font? When I apply the font in the text edit window in FusionPro, it has a square a bunch of blank spaces and another square. So perhaps that font has been corrupted or is not being displayed correctly?
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