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Composing - Show Rule instead of data


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I have 6 front and back PDF's merged into one. On screen everything seems to be working great. However, when I compose to a PDF, my data fields are showing the rule name instead of the data.

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That typically means that the rule is unable to produce valid output at composition. Since you say that your previews work fine, is it possible that the data you are using during actual composition is setup differently than your test data (i.e. different field names, different file format, unexpected values, etc)?
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I've seen this happen if you call a Field within a function in JavaScript Globals. It would preview fine but the output would show the rule name just as you described. If you set the global variables for those fields in OnRecordStart then it outputs fine.
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1) What are your Rules supposed to return?


2) Are your Field names and Rule names the same? This can cause the composition to confuse which is which. Perhaps even just re-naming your Rules could work.


3) Do any of the records compose correctly? Perhaps your code is working for the select records you are previewing, but not for complete composition.

4) Does the Rule(s) have a default value?


You may also just also try to remove the Rule, and re-insert the Rule and give it another go.

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