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OnJobStart Indicia MarComm


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I have a client with four sets of triggered post card mailings. On another post, I received javascript help to count the records, then place the indicia graphic. I used the following code in Fusion Pro Desktop:



var myNewFile = new ExternalDataFileEx(FusionPro.Composition.inputFileName, ",");
scIndicia = (myNewFile.recordCount > 199);



if (scIndicia)  {
       return Resource("scIndicia");
   else  {
       return Resource("noIndicia");


When I compose through Fusion Pro, it works correctly. I imported different lists with different record counts, and the indicia always appeared on lists of 200 or over.


I collected the template & uploaded it to MarComm Central. When I place an order & upload my mailing list, the indicia never appears in the proof. Even when the list count is 200 or more.


On another post yesterday, I received the advice to change my OnJobStart rule to

var RecordCount = 0;
if (FusionPro.Composition.isBatch)
   // MarcomCentral
   RecordCount = Int(FusionPro.Composition.JobOptions["MCC_num_records"]);
   // FP Desktop
   RecordCount = new ExternalDataFileEx(FusionPro.Composition.inputFileName, ",").recordCount;

scIndicia = (RecordCount > 199);


It was also recommended I post in MarComm for help. When I updated my rule to match above and composed in FusionPro Desktop again, it worked. If the list had over 199 records, the Indicia showed. If the list had less than 199 records, it didn't show.


When I uploaded to MarComm and placed a test order, it didn't work. My list had 250 records, and when I run the preview, the Indicia does not display.


All help will be much appreciated. I'm stumped. Any ideas?:confused:

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  • 2 weeks later...


The Proof in the Store only composes a maximum of 5 records, regardless of the total number in the uploaded list. We never compose the entire record run for the customer, so the Store proof composition count is never going to be greater than 199. Unfortunately, you will never see the Indicia regardless of the quantity in the list. I'm not sure there is a way to define that the Indicia shows for the proof when the list count is over a certain number, unless you force the Store proof to always show the Indicia for the preview. Then on the output composition it would use your OnJobStart rule. This would be similar to using a watermark for online composition, but removing it from output composition.

onlinePreviewVal = FusionPro.Composition.JobOptions.isOnlinePreview;

desktopPreviewVal = FusionPro.Composition.isPreview;

if (onlinePreviewVal == "Yes" || desktopPreviewVal == true)


if (scIndicia)

return Resource("scIndicia");





if (scIndicia)

return Resource("scIndicia");


return Resource("noIndicia");




If this is not desired, you could also just note on the proof page that the Indicia will be placed after the order has been made (I'm pretty sure most customers aren't proofing the accuracy of the Indicia anyway).


Hope this helps!

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