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Supress if empty not working?


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I have an excel database (multiple ones everyday actually) that I have set a template up on. However, when I try to supress empty fields, it is not doing so. I checked the excel database to see if there were hidden spaces or information in it by doing a wildcard search (find ?) and it found nothing... so I am confused as to why it is not supressing them. Unfortunately it is private info that I cannot share, so I was hoping someone might have some suggestions that I could try to see why it is not supressing them.


thanks in advance :o

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n2 space,

I'll ask the obvious question... Is there any static text in the paragraph?


If there is Suppress If Empty will not work, because static text is not empty. You would need to use Suppress If Containing Empty Variable.


Hope this helps

There is no static text, and I used supress if containing variables as well.... neither suppress the address2 or address3 fields if they are empty.


Thanks! Any other suggestions? :o

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Two suggestions:

1) Are you using a soft or hard return at the end of each line? Soft returns do not start a new paragraph, so it may not be honoring your setting.


2) Try creating a new text box and re-insert everything. Make sure you are selecting each paragraph (in this case they are fields) when you make that selection.


Hope this helps

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Two suggestions:

1) Are you using a soft or hard return at the end of each line? Soft returns do not start a new paragraph, so it may not be honoring your setting.


2) Try creating a new text box and re-insert everything. Make sure you are selecting each paragraph (in this case they are fields) when you make that selection.


Hope this helps

1) It was a soft return, but I tried a hard return (shift+enter) and it didn't seem to help


2) I tried that about 3 times already... I actually started all over from scratch (I noticed that if I start doing work in FP and then modify the PDF itself with Pitstop, once I compose, the elements I moved/deleted reappear).


If there is anything I can screen shoot and blank out previewed data I'll be more than happy to if you can think of anything else :o Thanks for the suggestions so far.


my text box looks like this:









in paragraph, suppress if empty variables is checked...

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shift + enter is a soft return. Try it with enter after «ADDRESS 1» & «ADDRESS 2».


If all else fails write a rule for «ADDRESS 1» & «ADDRESS 2»


if (Field("ADDRESS X") != "")



return Field("ADDRESS X");





return "";


I thought that was a hard return, oops, what is then?


I'll try that then write a rule if all else fails :)


thanks again for the help!:)

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Can you please collect up the job, or a minimal sample which demonstrates the problem, and post it here?


Also, to clarify, a "soft return" is a special case where you type Shift+Enter; this becomes a <br> tag to FusionPro, which breaks the line without starting a new paragraph. A "hard return" is the much more common case where you simply type Enter, which becomes a <p> tag and starts a new paragraph. The "Suppress if empty" feature applies to the entire paragraph, so it doesn't really work with "soft" returns.

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Can you please collect up the job, or a minimal sample which demonstrates the problem, and post it here?


Also, to clarify, a "soft return" is a special case where you type Shift+Enter; this becomes a <br> tag to FusionPro, which breaks the line without starting a new paragraph. A "hard return" is the much more common case where you simply type Enter, which becomes a <p> tag and starts a new paragraph. The "Suppress if empty" feature applies to the entire paragraph, so it doesn't really work with "soft" returns.

I would except I expressly can't due to NDA's and the like... however, I went through and started from scratch again and it worked! :D Not sure what the issue was, but I guess the 4th time is the charm! :)


Thanks to both of you for your help! :)

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