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Spliting a large record file into smaller increments

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I wanted to see if there was a way to split a large record file (85K) into increments of 10K.

I would like it to output into separate PDFs.


What I tried:


On imposer I set the count to 10K under Stack. Gave a large file.


On FusionPro in the Composition settings I check the "Output to multiple file" set it to 10K. I did not know what to enter in the Different number of records in the first file box. It errored out at Compose part saying "The number of records in not compatible with imposition setting.The number in a chunk is being adjusted". That gives me large record.



Thanks for you help.



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If you have "Infinite Stack" checked,then you will see this error.

Uncheck this option in the FP Imposer file and enter a true value for your stack.

If the stack batch output fits evenly into or is the same size as the chunk, then the chunk size is honored. When there is a conflict between the stack size and the chunk size, multiple output files are produced using the stack batch (SxVxH) output size. This is also the case when the stack output size is greater than the chunk size. When Infinite Stack is used, a conflict is reported and one output file is generated.

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So I enter 85K in the true value of my stack.


Do leave not check "Output to multiple files" box in the Composition Settings pop dialogue?


Or I do and enter 10000 in the number of records and

Type in 9 for the "Different number of records in the first file"


Or do I have those backwards.

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  • 8 months later...

Any answer on this? I am having the same problem. For ease of use i will explain my settings below.


My page size is 8.5x5.5 i am imposing it 4up 2x2 on 12x18


in the .fpi file i have stack of 16


when i am in output for the input i choose records 1-16. in the output tabe i have output to multiple files checked with 4 records per file. In theory i should get 1 12x18 sheet per file at this point but i am not.

I am getting same error as the original poster.

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If the stack batch output fits evenly into or is the same size as the chunk, then the chunk size is honored. When there is a conflict between the stack size and the chunk size, multiple output files are produced using the stack batch (SxVxH) output size. This is also the case when the stack output size is greater than the chunk size. When Infinite Stack is used, a conflict is reported and one output file is generated.
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  • 1 year later...



To anyone who asks about this. Cause I just figured it out:confused:.


Divide the number of imposition by the output records needed. Input that number in the count box of Stack in Imposer. Then in the Composition Settings>output to multiple files enter total records per file.


In my example it worked like this:


4/10,000=2500 stack count . 10k for total records per file.

85K file now splits into 10K pdfs each. A total of 85 file were present.


In the other example:


4/16=4 stack count 16 for total records per file. So if the record file is 32.Two files output.

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To anyone who asks about this. Cause I just figured it out:confused:.


Divide the number of imposition by the output records needed. Input that number in the count box of Stack in Imposer. Then in the Composition Settings>output to multiple files enter total records per file.


In my example it worked like this:


4/10,000=2500 stack count . 10k for total records per file.

85K file now splits into 10K pdfs each. A total of 85 file were present.


In the other example:


4/16=4 stack count 16 for total records per file. So if the record file is 32.Two files output.

You don't need to do all that. You can just set FusionPro.Composition.chunksBreakStacks = true in OnJobStart. Then you can leave Infinite Stacking in effect in FP Imposer, and still set the "Output to multiple files" setting in the Composition Settings.

Edited by Dan Korn
clarify OnJobStart
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