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Line Break?


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Can anyone help me add a hard return before and after this line? 

I've tried \n and \r and <br> to no avail. 
I'm a graphic designer, not a coder - halp! haha 

if (Field("Program2") == "")
    return "";

//line break HERE
Field("Program2abbr") + ' Student Sponsorship of Up to ' + val 
//line break HERE


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Not sure if this is what you are looking for. Make sure to check the box for "Treat Return Strings As Tagged Text"


if(Field("Program2") == "")
    return ""
return '<br>' + Field("Program2abbr") + '&nbsp;' + "Student Sponsorship of Up to" + '&nbsp;' + Field("val")+ '<br>'; 

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Newlines should work, but you need to include them in a literal string, between quotes, like so:

if (Field("Program2") == "")
    return "";

return "\n" + Field("Program2abbr") + ' Student Sponsorship of Up to ' + val + "\n";

You can also use <br> tags as Alex suggests, but in that case, I would recommend calling TaggedDataField instead of Field, in case the data contains "special" characters such as ampersands, like so:

if (Field("Program2") == "")
    return ""

return '<br>' + TaggedDataField("Program2abbr") + '&nbsp;' + "Student Sponsorship of Up to" + '&nbsp;' + val + '<br>'; 

Though the first version seems simpler.

Note also that you don't need the "else" statement after the "return".

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