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Error 3180 -MAJOR PROBLEM!!

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I submitted this to support on 6/22 and it hasn't been resolved yet. Anybody out there have any suggestions?

On 6/22: 5 out of 6 jobs (using 3 different pdfs) ran on FusionPro Direct without issue.


On the 6th and final job, during the “Submitting Job” phase, Direct presented a “Connect failed with error -3180” followed by “Unable to get submit job!”


I was able to run the 6th job on a MacBook Pro directly without error.


I was also unable to view “finished jobs” after that. I did not receive an e-mail confirming that one of my jobs was complete (a different one than the one that would not run). I was able to pull the file directly from the server, however.

I have run another job since then, and it gave me the same error. I had to run it from the MacBook Pro again.



It's a huge inconvenience to run the 1000-2000 name entry on the MacBook, but every Tuesday we get 50,000+ names. It would literally take the MacBook 10 hours to complete that run and that is not something our client is going to wait for.

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There is no element that is different. The same file is used to run several different CSVs. out of the 6 jobs that were run, 2 that had run successfully were on the same file that failed. The following Thursday, a different file generated the same error message.


The error is not generated during composition with Desktop. It is generated as a pop-up by Direct Monitor.

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Has FusionPro tested the "exact" campaign that fails on your Direct with theirs? Or is that what you have been waiting for since 6/22?


I would call up and see if there was a way to diagnose your issue quickly.


I know when Direct was acting up for me it was a "color space" that wasn't present on the Server causing it to do the same thing, of course different error message.

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I ran the campaign directly from my MacBook and it ran without any errors. It was only when trying to send it to Direct that it had a connection failure.


I have talked with support and they told me that "engineers were working on it" that was on 6/23. Repeated attempts to get an update on the situation have not yielded any responses.

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I don't think anyone of us will be able to diagnose this issue on the boards.


The only thing I can think is re-installing FusionPro based on FusionPro Tech Notes, both desktop and direct, and re-create the campaign from scratch.


If you have done this and it still is happening no matter what you try to throw at Direct(different campaigns), there has to be something going on with your connection of some-sort. Do you have an IT on staff that could assist?


It's not unusual for this to occur(different error codes) but it's usually something wrong on on our end(the user).


Good luck

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Support is actively looking into this issue. I don't know of any resolution yet.


rpaterick is correct that this type of issue is almost impossible to diagnose within the context of this user forum because it's specific to James's setup.


However, the problem has nothing to do with the specific job/template/campaign. It's not that the FusionPro composition is returning an error, it's that the FP Direct framework is returning an error because it's not able to initiate the composition at all, because of an issue with the communication between the FP Direct Monitor program on James's Mac and the FP Direct Scheduler service (on a Windows box). It's a configuration problem specific to his network environment. Reinstalling is not likely to help, and rebuilding the job is definitely not going to.

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Thanks, Dan.


I moved the registration over to the PC that I use and the job ran on Direct with no issues. Truth be told, it's a much smoother system on the PC in general. I had a small issue with the 128C barcode font suite being installed along with the other fonts. However, the FusionPro support team was able to assist me with getting the proper files in order.


It was most assuredly a connection issue with the MacBook and the Direct server. I still don't know what would have suddenly triggered it after the 5th successful job. But it's a non-issue for me now.


Hopefully this thread has the potential save some other poor Mac user a couple of grey hairs.

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