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FusionPro 13.1.2 cut stack isnt working


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Nothing was caught in our regression testing, which includes stacked imposition jobs.

Can you please post a sample job which reproduces the problem, and a clear explanation of what the expected output is, and how it's different than the actual output?  Also, in what previous version of FusionPro did this work differently?

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We are also experiencing this issue where it is not honoring the "Infinite Stack" as the Primary Imposition Step. I am running Acrobat Pro Version 2023.006.20380 on Mac OS 12.7.2. We were previously using the latest version of FusionPro without issue, which I think was 13.0.4.

Is there any progress on a resolution? Are you able to duplicate the error, or do you need assistance?

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2 minutes ago, dbarbee said:

We are also experiencing this issue where it is not honoring the "Infinite Stack" as the Primary Imposition Step. I am running Acrobat Pro Version 2023.006.20380 on Mac OS 12.7.2. We were previously using the latest version of FusionPro without issue, which I think was 13.0.4.

Is there any progress on a resolution? Are you able to duplicate the error, or do you need assistance?

No, so far we have not had enough details about the problem to analyze it, nor a job which reproduces the issue.

Is it an issue with the FP Imposer program?  That is, is it that saving a new FPI file doesn't have the "Infinite Stack" set correctly?  Or is it a composition issue, where if you take an existing FPI file, it doesn't compose correctly?

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Thank you for your quick response.

I created a new .fpi file from scratch to make sure it wasn't a corrupt file. I also used imposition files that were created with the previous version of Imposer. I am unable to get it to work any way I try. I have also attempted a two step (Stack then Horizontal) and a three step (Stack then Horizontal then Vertical) imposition to no avail. I also attempted declaring a stack size, which did not fix the issue.

We did have an earlier version of fusionpro installed on another computer, which composed the project without issue.

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The issue I was running into was from Fusion Imposer 13.1.2, the Infinite stack function in the Step and Repeat module, Acrobat Pro build_2023.008.20423.

My apologies, my initial question did not detail the specific part of Imposer I had issue with. The infinite stack was being ignored, in both legacy and newly created .fpi files in FP build 13.1.2. Acrobat Pro build_2023.008.20423 seems to be a real problem with other Plug-ins as well, specifically Pit Stop Pro. I uninstalled Acrobat and re-installed version Adobe Acrobat 2020. Everything works as expected now. I have not tried to update Fusion to the latest build just yet, but will once the critical jobs are out and I can have some cushion time to un-install if needed. 


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Okay, thank you for attaching that job.  It was very helpful to me in identifying the problem.

It's an issue when Infinite Stack is set AND the Stack Count is set to 1.  So the workaround is to set the Stack Count to anything other than 1, and Infinite Stack will work again.

This will be fixed in an upcoming release.

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Thank you Dan and dbarbee.

The file I created was overwritten and soon as I downgraded to Acrobat 2020, so it is not available unless I go back to the latest acrobat build, which I will not do.

Changing the stack to "2" from "1" fixes the problem in FP 13.1.2. I am going to uninstall and bounce back to the previous version so templates do not have to be altered.


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9 hours ago, olllllllo said:

Changing the stack to "2" from "1" fixes the problem in FP 13.1.2.

Thank you for that confirmation.

9 hours ago, dbarbee said:

I tried the workaround, and it didn't resolve the issue. Any other suggestions? Or should I downgrade to a previous version?

Hmm, it worked for olllllllo.  Are you sure you're referencing the FPI file that you changed?  If so, please collect and post a job that reproduces the problem.

A patch build is in the works and we hope to make it available soon.  Apologies for the trouble.

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