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job output based on data input. QTY.


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sample data attached.


Is there a way when outputting a file to have FusionPro output a record twice based on a data column input?


Example attached shows in the qty field a 1 or 2 number. When displaying 2 in the data entry, could FusionPro output two of that record?


Thanks for any direction.


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In FP 6.x it's a simple addition to the OnRecordStart rule:

FusionPro.Composition.repeatRecordCount = Field("Qty");



E, got that to work but I now have another issue.


When the second output appears, is there a way to have a graphic turn on for just the "2nd" copy only?




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E, got that to work but I now have another issue.


When the second output appears, is there a way to have a graphic turn on for just the "2nd" copy only?





haven't had time to look at the function much, but is it possible for you to suppress the 1st page graphic frame if the quantity is 2 during the record start rule with the FusionProGraphicFrame.suppress function?

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haven't had time to look at the function much, but is it possible for you to suppress the 1st page graphic frame if the quantity is 2 during the record start rule with the FusionProGraphicFrame.suppress function?


Thanks Les,


This looks like it would work. Any ideas as to the coding for suppressing on page 1 when 2 copies are being printed and page 2 needs the graphic?




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