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External Data files


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Can we do more than one?

Or... Can we have multiple tabs in a data file(<i'm thinking no but want to double-check)?




What I'm getting at is I will have a printed piece that is for each quarter. So Jan, Feb, and March will have significant dates that could pull from based on what the customer has filled-out.

Rather than having close to 90 columns, I'd like to have one tab/sheet in excel filled out for that month. Or... as stated previously is have three different data files for each month. That way if there is a value in that cell, the day would then get high-lighted and also would state the significance below.




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Cool design. Why not have an external data file with just 3 fields (name, birthMonth, birthDay) and a record for each person? A JavaScript rule could be set up to generate an array for all the records with dates that occur in January, etc which would then be used to generate each month's day color (white by default, yellow if number is in month's array). Array(s) contents would also be used to generate "summaries" at bottom of calendar pages. Come to think of it, I'm not even sure the file needs to be in external file. What would the standard input file contain?
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What would the standard input file contain?


actually, the .jpeg that is attached is only showing one month. The actual piece has "Three" months on one page and then the summaries below as you described perfectly.



I'm trying to visualize the data myself at this time. If I could figure out the way the data should be formatted or submitted, the arrays thing would be my next venture.


I "think" we are trying to make it easy for the customer to fill-out for all three months and keep the data inputs for each month separate by either tabs/sheets or separate excel files.


Thanks E! any ideas as to where to go?:confused:

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I've had three external data files open at a time (two reading one writing) and the composition file as well. I don't know if there is a limit though that FusionPro puts on you, or if it is entirely driven by the total memory access of your machine.
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I've had three external data files open at a time (two reading one writing) and the composition file as well. I don't know if there is a limit though that FusionPro puts on you, or if it is entirely driven by the total memory access of your machine.


D, are you saying that I could have three different OnJobStart's for each data month?


ALSO, new .jpeg attached here for the updated look of the piece with all Three Month's.




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Everything should be contained within the same OnJobStart rule. As long as you can keep track of your external file names, they are just individually defined files. Just like in the original example of the repeating business card you had one eternal data file open for reading and one file open for writing. I just took it one further for another project -- a composition file with customer names and store numbers, an external file for manager names, another external file for store addresses and one file for reporting purposes back to the client. Again, I don't know if there is a limitation within FusionPro or if it's just the limitation to your computers memory.


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Again, I don't know if there is a limitation within FusionPro or if it's just the limitation to your computers memory.






Would you be willing to share just the code on OnJobStart that you were able to call out more than one data file?


I'm "thinking" I could then go from there from your explanation on what you use it for.


Thanks D!

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Would you be willing to share just the code on OnJobStart that you were able to call out more than one data file?

var DataFileOne = new ExternalDataFileEx(FileOneName, ",");
if (DataFileOne.valid)
 // do something with DataFileOne

var DataFileTwo = new ExternalDataFileEx(FileTwoName, "\t"); // tab-delimited
if (DataFileTwo.valid)
 // do something with DataFileTwo

// etc.

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