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Paragraph Formatting Tags - Space Above


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There are many formatting attributes for the paragraph tag; however, I don't see one for Space Above and/or Space Below. I have a list of items to appear in a text frame, and need all items after the first one to have 6 pts. above (but not the first). Unfortunately, the output has to come from a rule based on other user input.





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Hi Joe,


The <p> tag attributes you want are "leadbefore" and "leadafter". Please refer to the FusionPro Tags Reference Guide for more information (page 42 in my version).


Also, a good way to figure out tagging is to create a Formatted Text Resource (from the menu, FusionPro -> Data Definition -> Input Options, or click the Resources toolbar button, then click "Add," select "Formatted Text" from the "type" drop-down, and click "Edit..."), set up the formatting you want in the Text Editor, then click the "View Source" button to see the tags generated. You can copy-and-paste the tags directly from the "View Source" dialog.

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