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Numbering..Newb needs help.


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I have to run 280,000 coupons, 12up 3up of 4 numbers sets (492102 to 772102). in the past we only ran 10k to 30k batches and i would just make an excel file , compose 1up and impose with Preps. now i found the limit in excel is 65,xxx and i am wondering if there is a easier way of doing it than making five .csv files. i was looking into the rules and found sequential numbering, but could not figure out how to make it work, i tried making the rule starting at 492102 with a padding of 6. but could not get anything composed.


any help would be greatly appreciated. we are slammed and short one person, but you all know how that goes.







Acrobat 9.2.0

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1.Specify data source, none, finish.


2.Create Rule, Sequentially Number Rule, name your rule, enter the start number, pad to 1 for digit.

CODE: this is an example of a campaign starting at 265000000.


modified the code a tad from what defaults out of FusionPro.






new_val = start-1


return CurrentRecordNumber() + 265000000 - 1;




3.Compose template, "Input" tab, Record Range: 1 to whatever(qty.). "Output" tab also can be used for "batching" the files.

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