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Simple Logic Question


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Hi folks. I will soon be getting Fusion Pro and just put in a request through a local rep for a 21 day license but the make or break question on the purchase is this:


I will be generating monthly statements from a delimited file. Each field will be used once such as Name, Address1, Address2, etc except a transaction field. Each statement will have at least one but most will have multiple transaction numbers and corresponding dates for that month.


I also have a field that will contain a character (n) when a new statement for a new customer is needed.


I know most of you already know where I am going with this. Can Fusion Pro populate a transaction and date field with multiple records for the same customer on the same page?


If so, I will get my order in and go from there. Thanks to anyone and everyone for you help.

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Can Fusion Pro populate a transaction and date field with multiple records for the same customer on the same page?

The short answer is Yes. However, it's not necessarily a simple answer. Exactly how you would accomplish this depends on the particular requirements of your job. If you can create an input data file with each customer listed by some sort of ID, that can be used as your main input file to drive the composition, then you can use that ID as a lookup into the delimited file with the name and address fields using the ExternalDataFileEx object, and output all those "subrecords" as a table.

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Thanks for the quick response. I wil have a unique field for each statement so maybe I could key off that.


Another HUGE selling point is this user community. It seems that users here have a passion for thier work and are more than willing to help out others such as myself with a variety of issues. Thanks again.

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