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InDesign Character Styles


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I just got burned by this on a job, so I wanted to give everyone else a heads-up.


Normally, if you copy text from a text box in InDesign, and paste the text in a FusionPro Variable Text Editor, it will retain the formatting (font, style, size, etc.).


HOWEVER, if the text is using any InDesign Character Style other than [NONE], FP will ignore it and won't paste it!


Example text in InDesign:

For more information about these products and other services we offer, please visit our website at www.printable.com.
Where all the text in InDesign is set to a Character Style of [NONE], except the website which is set to an InDesign Character Style of [Character Style 1].


What you will get in FP after pasting it in Text Editor is:

For more information about these products and other services we offer, please visit our website at .
You get the same result if any text is marked as a Hyperlink in InDesign.


What I'd like to know is, is this a bug, or the fact that you can copy and past formatted text from InDesign at all, is that a feature?


(InDesign CS4, FP 6.0P1f, Mac OS 10.5.8)

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but I now copy and paste into a word doc or text editor then paste into FusionPro.


Aargh. I was for sure that wouldn't work because I thought Word would keep the "Hyperlink" style, but you are right it does. Aargh.

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