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Simple Letter (name change in greeting is only VDP) w/ CSV file HELP PLEASE!

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Hopefully someone out there can make sense of this to me.


I am using Quark Xpress 7 and Acrobat 6.


I am simply trying to take a .csv file of just names and impose those names in the greeting of a letter. The csv files looks like:

"Mr. and Mrs. Serkes"

"Mrs. Dick"

"Mr. Swartz"

"Ms. Williams"



I set up my Quark file like usual and drew my text frame (Export variable data is checked in frame options)


I export through FP menu and open the .pdf in Acrobat.


I click on the text box and click on import data file... Next

I choose specify data source definition... Next

I choose flat file delimited... Next

I find my csv file and select it... Next

I choose field delimiter and enter " as other character - Treat field values as tagged text is checked... Next


Summary comes up with first name from CSV file repeated for before name on each record...


Field names and values for the first two records:

>>>Record No: 1

Mr. and Mrs. Serkes Mrs. Dick


>>>Record No: 2

Mr. and Mrs. Serkes Mr. Swartz



Please advise as to what I am doing incorrectly. Thank you in advance for any help. Your knowledge is greatly appreciated.

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Please forgive my ignorance... This is beyond Greek to me.


My CSV file opens in text edit and is only a list: one name per line within quotes.


"Mr. and Mrs. Serkes"

"Mrs. Dick"

"Mr. Swartz"

"Ms. Williams"

"Mr. and Mrs. Gibson"

"Mr. Dietz"


"Mrs. Downs"



The client also gave me an excel file but it was grayed out when I went to choose it... so I used the csv... should I be using the excel file?

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If I read your post correctly, it looks like you entered a double quote (") as your field delimiter. Since there is only one field in your data file, there aren't any commas in the data, but since it's a csv (comma separated values) file, your field delimiter should still be a comma (,).
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The csv files looks like:

"Mr. and Mrs. Serkes"

"Mrs. Dick"

"Mr. Swartz"

"Ms. Williams"



Field names and values for the first two records:

>>>Record No: 1

Mr. and Mrs. Serkes Mrs. Dick


>>>Record No: 2

Mr. and Mrs. Serkes Mr. Swartz

pmhapp is correct -- there is an option when linking to your data file that indicates whether first row/line (in your case, "Mr. and Mrs. Serkes"), is the field name or actual data. As a result, FP sees the first line as a title rather than a record.


Your best bet is to open the CSV file in a text editor and insert a new first line (i.e. "Name") so that your file now reads:


"Mr. and Mrs. Serkes"

"Mrs. Dick"

"Mr. Swartz"

"Ms. Williams"

"Mr. and Mrs. Gibson"

"Mr. Dietz"


"Mrs. Downs"



Then reapply your data file to your template. When you get to your summary window, it will then show:

>>>Record No: 1

Name Mr. and Mrs. Serkes


>>>Record No: 2

Name Mrs. Dick

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Thanks for the advice Eric. So I think I have correctly entered my data. My sample fields came up in the correct separations... and I collected for output....


And ended up with:



Test Letter-o.cfg

Test Letter.def

Test Letter.dif

Test Letter.pdf



So here's a dumb question... When I open the Test Letter.pdf should I have a multiple page .pdf with each name each letter??? When I open the file it still says "fusion pro text" where the names should be....


Does this sound right? If so, how do I print this???


Thank you again and kbloink for you help!!!

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