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Barcode 3 of 9


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I'm having trouble getting the Barcode 3 of 9 to create a Barcode based on my variable field. I've simplified things to be as basic as possibe. The Barcode Rule is pretty srtaight forward. My variable field data value is simply the letter 'A'. I've tried placing an '*' before and after the data. No matter what I do, I can't get a Barcode when I click on Preview. I feel that there is something simple I'm missing, but I can't find it. Is there a basic format for the Data to be in? I'm at a loss.
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I'll try, but all of it is way too much to type. Basically, I want to know what works, so I can emulate it.

I created a rule by clicking on the 'Create rule' in the Steps Pallette. Chose 'New', then scrolled down to '3 of 9 Barcode Rule'. Once there, I chose my 'Field' and clicked 'ok'. Then I created a Variable text frame and inserted my 'Rule' in to it. My Original value for the barcode (what's in my data base) is NC-AT-EM-N. I've tried adding an '*' both in before and after the data, and I still don't get a Barcode when I click on 'Preview'. Is there a format required for the 3 of 9 Barcode? (certain number of characters, or something) That's when I changed my data to 1 letter, 'A'. It still does not give me a Barcode.

Hopefully that's enough info.:)

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Well, I think I just figured out the main problem. There are no 'Fonts' in the 'PostNet' fusion pro folder. So, is it possible to get these from Printable?

I don't think that folder is relevant. The necessary fonts should be installed in your /Library/Fonts folder by the FusionPro installer. If they're not there, then you should re-install FusionPro. If they are there, and you're using a third-party font management tool, you'll need to re-enable those fonts and then Reload fonts in FusionPro.

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