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Oval Variable Graphic Frame


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I have a QuarkXpress job with 13 variable graphic images. The image is in an oval with some items overlaying it. When I make the oval a variable graphic frame and export, the PDF doesn't retain the oval, but instead is a rectangle and overlays the other items. Is this the limitations of FP? What I ended up doing is make 13 docs each with one of the variable graphics in place, then export a PDF and use those 13 PDF 's as the variable graphics. Is that the only way, or is there a better way?





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The placeholder/graphic box can be square and should work.


If all of your images are the same size and you have the square box that would be the left/right/bottom/top for the measurements correctly, then it should place your oval images centered in the box.


What type of images are we talking about? Bitmap, vector, both?


One FP doc. would handle all of the 13 or how many images you have and can be called out by a data file.

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No, the images are square, the frame they are in is oval with a 10 point tint border. they are raster images with a black gradation running from the bottom quarter ways up overlaying the image, then white text lays over that. Also there is a raster image with a drop shadow that partially overlays the oval, all built in Quark. When I select the oval frame in Quark to be a variable frame and export, the frame becomes rectangular in Acrobat and doesn't hold the layering. The variable frame ends up on top of every thing else. The only other way to do this, besides the way I did it, is to rebuild everything in Acrobat. Am I correct?
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  • 6 months later...

How about creating the oval in ILL by making a box colored the same as the outside background and then put an oval (or any other shape) hole in it and you can even put your stroke on it.


Then make a second variable graphic box over your original graphic box and have this ILL file placed into the top graphic box. This would then act as a kind of mask.


I hope I was not to confusing in my explanation.



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Thanks for the reply, but this file was a little more complicated than what I put in my original post. What I ended up doing was make a PDF of the page minus the variable text, one for each variable graphic (13 total) in place and used them as the variable image. Worked out perfect.
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