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compose via AppleScript

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The dictionary of FusionPro shows a command which could be invoked. The syntax that the dictionary shows is:


compose v : Compose a document

compose alias : Format file to compose

[input alias] : Input file containing data for the composition

config alias : Config file to use

output file specification : Output file to create

→ integer : Return code from composition, 0 is success


I tried to invoke the compose command but always got errors. For me it isn't really clear how the syntax should be. Could anybody provide an example?

Thanks Heiko

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I haven't seen this in the Doc, but I am highly interested in hearing someone putting it into use.


Would this accomplish the same thing as a batch process? We have a client who likes to break out inserts by a cell code and we can often have 70 files that have to be ran against the same template. I would be a huge time saver to be able to "compose a folder."

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Exactly what errors are you getting? This works for me:

tell application "FusionPro"
   compose alias "Macintosh HD:Applications:Printable:FusionPro:Tutorial:FrodoTravel:frodo.dif" input alias ¬
       "Macintosh HD:Applications:Printable:FusionPro:Tutorial:FrodoTravel:frodo-InstanceData.txt" config alias ¬
       "Macintosh HD:Applications:Printable:FusionPro:Tutorial:FrodoTravel:frodo-InstanceData-Output.cfg" output ""
end tell

Also, you have to have a FusionPro Server (batch) license for this to work. It won't work with a Desktop license. You can find out what kind of license you have by choosing "About FusionPro" from the menu. If it doesn't include the word "Server," then this won't work.

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