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Tables using variable data


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Hi all


Dan Korn and esmith have helped me tremendously with my issues regarding diagonal strikethroughs




and Dan kindly suggested that I may do better to set up a document using tables and directed me to the Frodo Travel Tutorial - which would be fine if I wanted to create fixed text tables in a text editor and then import the resource as a tagged text file. I don't want to do this - I would rather create a resource in the rule editor using 'quoted string literals 'because then I would be able to assign cell values to fields in a data source.


I have read the user guide section regarding tables and can't find the correct syntax to use anywhere - I cannot validate my code as it keeps telling me I am entering an unexpected xml statement?? As you have probably guessed I am a complete newcomer to JavaScript (but I'm trying - honestly)


I don't want to bore anyone with the intricacies but just wondered if anyone may be able to direct me to (or send me) any meaningful examples of tables created in the rule editor as 'quoted string literals' that call in variable data and then hopefully I can work out the structure and syntax and apply it to my job?


Thanks :confused:

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Hi Dan


Thanks for the reply, I had looked at that thread and had started to use it as the basis for building my table. I have got this far:

var myTable = '<table columns =5><column width=10000><column width = 40000><column width = 10000><column width = 10000><column width = 10000>';

for(var i=1;Field('DESC'+i)!='';i++)


myTable += '<row><cell><f name = "FrutigerLT 55 Roman"><z newsize="10">' + Field("CODE"+i)+'<cell><z newsize="';


myTable += '14';


myTable += '16';


myTable += '">' + Field("DESC"+i);

myTable += '<cell><z newsize = "20">'+ Field("DISPLIST"+i);

myTable += '<cell><f name = "Frutiger 77BlackCn"><z newsize="28">'+ "SALE";

myTable += '<cell>'+ Field("DISPSALE"+i);

myTable += '<row><cell><cell><f name = "FrutigerLT 55 Roman"><z newsize="10">' + Field("SUBHEAD"+i);


myTable += '</table>';


return myTable;

Now all I need to figure out is how to align 'bottom' the contents of a row and, could you possibly tell me if it is possible to adjust the leading between rows - depending on whether the contents of field 'SUBHEAD'+i is populated or not?



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