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Distiller 8 Pro WIndows & Mac Error

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I have a .ps file that works perfectly fine in acrobat distiller 7 on Mac and Windows. When i try and take that same .ps file and distill it in Acrobat distiller 8 Mac and or Windows it errors out. Postscript file was made from Fusion Pro. Any help appreciated. error code is:


%%[ Error: invalidfileaccess; OffendingCommand: file ]%%







%%[ Flushing: rest of job (to end-of-file) will be ignored ]%%

%%[ Warning: PostScript error. No PDF file produced. ] %%

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This is something similar to an error we received when we output optimized postscript and distilled in distiller 9 (we went from 7 to 9). Techs at printable said adobe changed an option in distiller and you have to add an "option" when starting distiller for it to allow processing of optimized postscript. We had to add an /F to when starting distiller. I created a shortcut to the distiller program and changed the "Target" when looking at the properties of the short cut. This is what our's looks like...


"C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 9.0\Acrobat\acrodist.exe" /F


Maybe this will do it for you.

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OK. That seems to work if i drag the .ps file on the distiller window or if i launch distiller first. But when i click View PDF from Fusion Pro it will error out unless i open Distiller first. Is there another shortcut i am missing inside of the printable folder?


Also what about macintosh? I still get the error there is it still the same? Im sure i need to dig through the package contents...

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  • 5 months later...

I've been having the same problem with my postscript files ever since I went to Acrobat 8.0. I used your short-cut option and was able to get the file to distill, however when I send that original postscript file to the printer (DocuTech 6180 or Oce 6250) it crashes stating the printer can't find the fonts embedded within the optimized postscript file. I know that all fonts have been embedded (it's checked on the FusionPro composition tab), and the file does distill (with the /F option activated). Also, if I turn off the optimization option within FusionPro composition tab the files they will print on both printer. However files of 2000 records that would normally be about 6 or 7 MB optimized turn out to be nearly a gig each. Way too big for our system for storage have 50-60K of records for each run.


At first I just sent the pdf file but it choked the printer and greatly slowed it down. Our network admin showed me the printer queue and showed me the size of the files that were being generated on the printer (6180). The 2.5-3MB pdf files were being ripped by the printer into postscript files that were nearly 8GB each. We were getting nearly 20 pages per minute of output (11x17) on a machine that was supposed to be doing about 90-100 per minute.


Is there some option setting to activate when starting Acrobat 8 or known bug with that level that prevents FusionPro from outputting "proper" optimized postscript files?


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Ever since I don't know when. I think when Printable started updating FusionPro from DL-100, we've had to do something a little special to get fonts to embed in most files during composition. For the Composition Settings, on the Output Tab...After we switch the Output Format to Postscript, we deselect "Embed Fonts" then Select "Font Subset". This will usually work for us. (If you are going from a VDX output format, you may have to change the output format, save, cancel and go back into it for the "Font Subset to show back up.) This is a bug that's been around for several years. I gave up a long time ago trying to get Printable to fix it. Hope this helps with the problem you are having.
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Just tried to select only the Font Subset feature but it selects both the "Embed Fonts" and "Font Subset" features in tandem. Was there a way that you were able only to select Font Subset, or was both of these features coming on what was supposed to happen?


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