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Background image in text frame

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I've had this recurring problem, whereby I make a text frame and within the frame a cropped portion of the background from another area of the layout shows up. It's literally like I took a crop of a portion of my PDF layout and dragged it over and dropped it into my text frame. I can't seem to get rid of it, and it doesn't happen all the time. I can't figure out what the common denominator is that is making it happen at different times, and I can't get rid of it once it starts.


Any ideas??

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Where are you seeing this? Is it when you are doing a Preview? Do the artifacts show up in the output when you do a non-Preview composition? Can you post a screenshot? What version of FusionPro, Acrobat, and operating system are you using?
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  • 2 weeks later...
I've had the same problem on occasion. Seems to be related to pdf's that are cropped, but when the preview is drawn it remembers that uncropped dimension. As a workaround I use Pitstop to step and repeat the pdf to the target size (usually the same) before starting in FusionPro. The step & repeat tool seems to "weld" the size you see to the document.
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FusionPro expects the Trim Box of the document to be the same as the Media (Bleed) Box, not the same as the Crop Box. To fix your template PDF, go into the "Crop Pages" dialog in Acrobat (in Acrobat 9, from the menu, "Document" -> "Crop Pages"), then under "Page Range", select "All", then change the entry in the first drop-down list from "CropBox" to "TrimBox", click "Set to Zero", and then click "OK". You'll see a box saying, "Changing a page's TrimBox may have unexpected consequences in FusionPro." Click "OK" there, and the Preview should now be correct.


That same warning message about changing the TrimBox probably should have been shown when you modified the document's TrimBox initially, but I don't know if we have the ability to detect changes you make with a third-party plug-in such as PitStop the same way we can detect changes made in Acrobat's own dialogs.

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