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I need a true type version of AdvPNET


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Our rip won't accept the postcript font version of AdvPNET. It only takes true type fonts (I know, don't get me started). Is there a true type version available?


I would look into buying http://www.fontlab.com/font-converter/transtype/


This will pay for itself in just one job, especially if you have to go from a MAC platform/layout to a PC for processing jobs or vice-versa.

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I'm assuming by your answers that the PC version of Fusion Pro doesn't have true type fonts for AdvPNET?


I'm assuming you acquired the font from your customer, correct? What TransType will do is convert that font to a .ttf or .otf for you. I would have the font installed on the "RIP" and load accordingly to your work flow locally after the conversion. When I would have problem with fonts not working correctly on the RIP, I would load the font directly on the RIP and voila, RIPs it with no problem.


I would try installing the .ps font on the RIP first to see if that corrects the problem? Either your RIPPing software(contact them to find out) will accomodate this for you or you will need to install directly onto the C:drive/Windows/Font. Should be installed correctly, not just drop and drag onto the font folder.


Good Luck!

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Our rip is PC based and it doesn't handle anything except true type fonts. Our barcode in Fusion is a postscript version of AdvPNET.


I actually need a true type version of AdvPNET. AdvPNET is a font that is part of the installation of Fusion. I'm on a mac. I was hoping that the PC version of the installer contained a true type version of AdvPNET.



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Our rip is PC based and it doesn't handle anything except true type fonts. Our barcode in Fusion is a postscript version of AdvPNET.

I'm on a mac. I was hoping that the PC version of the installer contained a true type version of AdvPNET.


Ahhh, gotcha.


I would see if FP can send you the windows version, not sure on licensing restrictions that FP has in this case or why they couldn't send it to you.

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