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Getting a new page

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Hi I am trying to start a new page when Field 1 contains a name


I have a data file that has 6 Fields, Field 1 is Name and Fields 2-5 contain data Field6 is the key for a new page. The number of rows is variable depending on the Name.


I have the following for OnJobStart but I cannot get more than a single page of information to generate.


Any help would be much appreciated!


var swim = new ExternalDataFileEx("swim.csv", ',');


x = 1;

while (swim.GetFieldValue(x, "Field6") != "NEW")


Final = Final + swim.GetFieldValue(x, "Field1") +

swim.GetFieldValue(x, "Field2") + "\t" +

swim.GetFieldValue(x, "Field3") + "\t" +

swim.GetFieldValue(x, "Field4") + "\t" +

swim.GetFieldValue(x, "Field5") + "<br>";



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There are a couple of ways you can conditionally add new pages. You can use Overflow pages and insert a <page destination=topofpage> tag to force a page break, or you can use the FusionPro.Composition.SetBodyPageUsage function in your OnRecordStart callback rule. See the FusionPro User Guide for information on Overflow pages, or the FusionPro Rules System Guide for information on Body page usage.
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