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Moving a text frame

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I'm trying to move a text frame with the following

FindTextFrame("Total").y -= 8400;

It moves the frame, but the only problem is the moved frame is filled with a random color and the text does not show. I've attached a screenshot of what it looks like. Am I missing something in the movement of the box? How can I get this box to show the text instead of a solid color?



Rick J.



Mac OS Mojave 10.6

FusionPro 10.1.11

Adobe Pro DC 2019

Adobe InDesign 2019


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If you do a regular composition (not a Preview) and look in the log file, there will be a message saying, "Frame property "y" cannot be set without a FusionPro Server or Producer license." This applies to the x, y, width, height, and rotation properties.


Basically, the ability to move frames dynamically is a premium feature, limited to FusionPro Server and Producer compositions. If you have just a FusionPro VDP Creator license, and compose or preview the job locally in Acrobat, the frame position will be shown in the output, but a random border and fill will be applied to the frame. If you submit the job to a Server or Producer system, or compose it in a system using FP Server, such as the MarcomCentral application, it will work normally, without setting the border and fill.

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