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Hello all, I'm having a small issue with a rule to output a new file during composition, based on a field. Below is my code:

if (FieldChanged("traymark_"))
   FusionPro.Composition.OpenNewOutputFile("63110_MM_SummerNewsletter2019_ADDRESSED_" + Field("sequence") + "_" + FusionPro.Composition.outputFormatExtension);


The traymark_ field uses a double-asterisk to indicate a new tray. The issue is that with the above rule, a new file is output every time there's a change in that field. So for each double-asterisk record, a new file is output, and then another new file is output for those blank records that follow in the traymark_ field, until the next record with a double-asterisk. Basically, I'm getting double the amount of output files than I intend. Ideally, each new file that's output would include the double-asterisk record AND all blank traymark_ records that follow, until the next double-asterisk traymark_ record, which would output a new file.


Is there a way to append the code above, or should I be using a different code? Thanks!

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