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Multi-Line table header removal


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Hi there,

Back again with more multi-line ?'s :)



1. When using the multi-line wizard, it puts in the field name above the data. How can I remove that? I just want the data, no header.

I'm guessing convert to Javascript and change something, but I don't know what is pulling the header name:

// Rule converted from XML Template "Multi-Line_NAME":
// Choose the following values:
// Begin XML Template selections //
var Field1 = "Member Information"; // "Field for column 1" (Required): FieldList
var Field2 = ""; // "Field for column 2 (optional)": FieldList
var Field3 = ""; // "Field for column 3 (optional)": FieldList
var Field4 = ""; // "Field for column 4 (optional)": FieldList
var Field5 = ""; // "Field for column 5 (optional)": FieldList
var Field6 = ""; // "Field for column 6 (optional)": FieldList
// End XML Template selections //

var fields = [Field1, Field2, Field3, Field4, Field5, Field6].filter(String);

var XDF = FusionPro.GetMultiLineRecords();
var result = [];
for (var r = 0; r <= XDF.recordCount; r++)
   var values = [];
   //for (var c = 0; c < XDF.fieldCount; c++)
   //    values.push(XDF.GetFieldValue(r, c));
   for (var f in fields)
       values.push(XDF.GetFieldValue(r, fields[f]));    

return result.join(Chr(13));

2. I only want sub records to populate (if any) and not the first one of the multi-line record. what would I change to make that happen?



3. I suppose I should also ask if there's a simple way to just call out a specific iteration of multi-lines like: 2nd line, 3rd line, 4th, 5th etc... of a multi-line record so I could manipulate it that way.



Thanks for your help!

Edited by dmp
added #3
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1. When using the multi-line wizard, it puts in the field name above the data. How can I remove that? I just want the data, no header.


for (var r = 0;


for (var r = 1;


Record "zero" is the header row.


2. I only want sub records to populate (if any) and not the first one of the multi-line record. what would I change to make that happen?

Change it to:

for (var r = 2;

3. I suppose I should also ask if there's a simple way to just call out a specific iteration of multi-lines like: 2nd line, 3rd line, 4th, 5th etc... of a multi-line record so I could manipulate it that way.

Sure, in a call like this:

XDF.GetFieldValue(r, c)

You can set "r" to whatever row/sub-record in the multi-line data you want.

Edited by Dan Korn
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