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Combine and reformat different cells


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Hi All, I will try and explain this issue as best I can. We have a mail list.

With header names, "First name", "Last Name", but the customer only wants to use the "First name", UNLESS there is only a single letter. If there is only a single letter for the "First name" they want the "Last name" added.


Example: "First Name" "R." "Last name" "Johnson" how they want it to appear is "R. Johnson" But they do not want the "Last name" field on all the records. ONLY on the ones that have a single letter "First name".



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Maybe a rule like this would work:


var name= '';


if(firstName.length === 1){

name = firstName + '. ' + lastName;

// depending on the data, you might need to strip away any character that's not a letter, and then add the period to the string.



name = firstName;



return name;

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