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Is it possible to switch Imposition Definitions OnRecordStart?


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I have multipe PDF files that need VDP, stacked & imposted. Some are simplex and others are duplex.


I have the OnRecordStart set to pull the backside of the PDF if the PDF has two pages

FusionPro.Composition.SetBodyPageUsage("Page2", Resource(Field("RemitPartID")+".pdf").countPages == 2)

if (FieldChanged("PDM_Vsn"))
   if (Resource(Field("RemitPartID")+".pdf").countPages == 1)
       FusionPro.Composition.OpenNewOutputFile("10937 AD No.10 Remits " + Field("PDM_Vsn") + " Simplex_Print Ready." + FusionPro.Composition.outputFormatExtension);
       FusionPro.Composition.OpenNewOutputFile("10937 AD No.10 Remits " + Field("PDM_Vsn") + " Duplex_Print Ready." + FusionPro.Composition.outputFormatExtension);

Using this I can compose the document one time for all versions in the job, but the second page is removed because the imposition definition is simplex.

The number of pages in this record does not match the imposition signature: 1 pages will be truncated.


Is it possible to switch the Imposition Definition during the OnRecordStart so that any 2-Page documents impose using a duplex imposition and any 1-Page documents impose with a simplex?

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Is it possible to switch the Imposition Definition during the OnRecordStart so that any 2-Page documents impose using a duplex imposition and any 1-Page documents impose with a simplex?

No. You can't currently modify the imposition in a rule, for either FusionPro VDP Server, Producer, or Creator compositions.


In a FusionPro VDP Server workflow, you can change the ImpositionDefFileName entry in the CFG file to point to a different Imposition file for a composition.

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