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VPS transparency issues


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I'm having some issues with transparencies when outputting VPS files. We received hi-res PDF files from our client instead of the native files. I didn't see this as an issue really, but apparently, there is one.


I've programmed our variable text (no variable graphics) and can render with no problem. When I first made a sample of 10 records, FP in Acrobat said that it detected transparencies. I didn't think much of it and sent it off to get proofed on the IGEN 3 it would be printed on. Some transparency line glitches showed up. Another guy used XMPie in InDesign, but he didn't have the glitches.


I made an EPS out of the PDF in Illustrator, imported the EPS in Photoshop, flattened it, and then saved it as a PDF (High quality print). No transparency detection in FP in Acrobat, so I thought things were fine. Glitches showed up again.


Is there ANY way I can make this go away WITHOUT the native files and just using the supplied PDF? Is there something in FPD that I'm missing in Acrobat? ANY and ALL help is appreciated!


I'm using CS4 and Acrobat 9 Pro and latest FPD 6.0P1e.


- David

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Not this time, but I did find out what was going on. The client didn't flatten their file before they sent it to us. I had to import the original PDF, flatten it, save it as a TIFF and then make a PDF from that. That actually made it work.
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I've found the same thing. FP doesn't work and play well with transparencies at all. Illustrator, PDF, InDesign, Quark, it doesn't matter. If you have dropshadows or anything like it, pray it isn't in a variable spot and flatten it all.


Just yesterday I had to save Quark pages as .eps files to flatten them and bring them back into the file beacuse of dropshadowed text. What a pain.

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I've found the same thing. FP doesn't work and play well with transparencies at all.


XMPie doesn't play well either. It can't cache the transparency and has to rip it for every record, sucks. Doesn't matter if it's in the Adobe/XMpie/Fusion Pro, transparencies and Pantone colors suck.:eek:

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