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How do you loop through a ExternalDataFileEx table?


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I would like to get a set of records back from an external table using the ExternalDataFileEx object. In all the examples I've seen, people are only pulling one record/row of data back. I would like to get all the rows that match my criteria.


Here I am able to get back the first match of the Zip Code passed by the field and return the StoreName and StoreCity -- but it repeats the same record the same amount as the myStores.recordCount. I image this is because their is no record.Next type command like in other recordset languages. So, I do I simulate that behavior?


Sample Code


var myStores = new ExternalDataFileEx("C:\\data\\Stores.txt", ",")

var strZip = Field("CustZip")

var strOutput = ""


for (var i = 1; i <= myStores.recordCount; i++)


strOutput += myStores.GetFieldValue(LocalShops.FindRecord("ZipID", strZip), "StoreName") + Chr(10)

strOutput += myStores.GetFieldValue(LocalShops.FindRecord("ZipID", strZip), "StoreCity") + Chr(10)



return strOutput



The Stores.txt file looks like;


ZipID, StoreName, StoreCity

55416, ABC Corporation, Edina

55416, EFG Inc., Saint Louis Park

55417, XYZ Companies, Minneapolis

55418, QT Corp., St. Paul


Any assistance would be great!




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var myStores = new ExternalDataFileEx("C:\\data\\Stores.txt", ",")

var strZip = Field("CustZip")

var strOutput = ""


for (var i = 1; i <= myStores.recordCount; i++)


strOutput += myStores.GetFieldValue(myStores.FindRecord("ZipID", strZip), "StoreName") + Chr(10)

strOutput += myStores.GetFieldValue(myStores.FindRecord("ZipID", strZip), "StoreCity") + Chr(10)



return strOutput

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You're on the right track, but the ExternalDataFileEx.FindRecord function only finds the first record which matches the specified field value. If you want to find multiple records which match a certain criteria, you simply need to iterate through all the records, which you're already doing, and then test for the match in each. Try this:

for (var i = 1; i <= myStores.recordCount; i++)
 if (myStores.GetFieldValue(i, "ZipID") == strZip)
   strOutput += myStores.GetFieldValue(i, "StoreName") + Chr(10) + 
   myStores.GetFieldValue(i, "StoreCity") + Chr(10);


A search of the forum for ExternalDataFileEx turns up many similar examples, such as this:


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