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Web Preview


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Hi, I'm running FusionPro Desktop 5.1P2b on a Powerbook running Mac OS 10.4.11.


I'm trying to do a very simple web form for a Business card template similar to the FusionPro Quick Start versioning project. When I click Preview form from the web Data Collect dialog the preview is blank. The Fusion Pro sidebar is there, and the "Customize Document" verbage, but not my three simple text boxes that I have associated variables with.


I have tried the created htm file on different browsers and computers. I don't know much about htm so fear I am skipping something easy, can anyone help me?

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There were some issues with the Define HTML Form (Web Collect) functionality that were fixed in FusionPro 5.1 on Mac. Is the problem specific to that one job? What happens if you try it in the Frodo Travel tutorial? (Open frodo.pdf, then from the FusionPro menu, "Define HTML Form > From Current Data," and click "Preview Form." Do the two text fields show up?) Also, what browser are you using?
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Re:Browser- I use Firefox but tried it on Safari and IE also.


I just tried it with the Frodo file and got the same thing.


I DO think it is version 5 related, because I have since accessed a mac running version 6 of FusionPro and the preview worked perfect.


Is there any troubleshooting I can do or should I give up on web preview from Version 5?


Also, will the htm/xml file created only work with FusionPro server?


Thanks for all your help!

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Re:Browser- I use Firefox but tried it on Safari and IE also.


I just tried it with the Frodo file and got the same thing.


I DO think it is version 5 related, because I have since accessed a mac running version 6 of FusionPro and the preview worked perfect.


Is there any troubleshooting I can do or should I give up on web preview from Version 5?

Thanks for that extra info, Alana. After doing a bit more investigation (rather than relying merely on my own often-faulty memory), I can confirm that there were some additional fixes for the Define HTML form feature on Mac in FusionPro 6.0. If you already have 6.0, I recommend using that version.

Also, will the htm/xml file created only work with FusionPro server?

I'm not sure what you mean by this. The XML file that you're creating is intended to be converted to an HTML input form via an XSL transformation, which in turn is meant to be used to generate an input data file for a FusionPro composition. Neither the XML nor the HTML can be used directly by FusionPro Server. The page shown when you click "Preview Form" is merely an example. You should use your own customized XSL transformation to create the HTML input form in a way that meets your own requirements. Typically this HTML input form is used in a web-based system to generate an input file for an automated FusionPro Server composition, but such an input file could the form could be used in FP Desktop as well as in FP Server.

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