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Imposition Banner pages


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Hello all, we are going to be upgrading to Producer in the next week or so. But, the issue I have is trying to get a banner sheet composed on the fly for each set of records per "lift", for the benefit of the pressroom and bindery. Hoping to not have to go to 3rd party Imposing solution.


I have read in the manual the codes shown below, but I just cannot seem to make it work.


FusionPro.Composition.impositionSheetBackgroundFrontPage= "FrontPageName";

FusionPro.Composition.impositionSheetBackgroundBackPage = "BackPageName";




Please see attached PDF of an example of what we are looking for. This would be the first position of each "lift" of 2400 records.

Thank you in advance.


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I have read in the manual the codes shown below, but I just cannot seem to make it work.


FusionPro.Composition.impositionSheetBackgroundFrontPage= "FrontPageName";

FusionPro.Composition.impositionSheetBackgroundBackPage = "BackPageName";


There's an example of how that works here:


Please see attached PDF of an example of what we are looking for. This would be the first position of each "lift" of 2400 records

Sorry, it's not obvious to me what content on that sheet is supposed to be from the per-record data and what is supposed to be from the "banner." I'm also not sure what you mean by "lift." Perhaps collecting up the template you have (with some dummy data) would be illuminating.

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Hi Dan, what I mean by "lift", is in the composition window, I check "output to multiple files" and I set the record count. That count is a "lift". As it stands, if I choose 2400 records in a 240000 record job, I will get 24 "lifts" imposed. One lift every 2400 records (4 up-600 page imposition) automatically named during composition ie. 12345_ACME_01.pdf, 12345_ACME_02.pdf, 12345_ACME_03.pdf etc... I sent you a previous example sheet. I will send another one along with the template. One banner sheet per lift. Put into the first imposition position with the banner sheet providing info. during the composition process.

Impo test.zip

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Hi Dan, what I mean by "lift", is in the composition window, I check "output to multiple files" and I set the record count. That count is a "lift". As it stands, if I choose 2400 records in a 240000 record job, I will get 24 "lifts" imposed. One lift every 2400 records (4 up-600 page imposition) automatically named during composition ie. 12345_ACME_01.pdf, 12345_ACME_02.pdf, 12345_ACME_03.pdf etc...

Oh, okay, we usually call that a "chunk". As in, you're chunking your output to multiple files, or chunks, each of which contains a certain number of output records and pages.


Or, for imposition, it's called a "stack". Often, jobs are set up so that each stack is in its own chunk (output file), but you can also have multiple stacks in the same chunk.

I sent you a previous example sheet. I will send another one along with the template. One banner sheet per lift. Put into the first imposition position with the banner sheet providing info. during the composition process.

Okay. I can't really build the template for you. All I can do is try to point you in the right direction. Here are a few problems that I see right away though:

  • You didn't include the FPI (imposition) file. Rather than manually collecting up the job files, you should use the handy "Collect" feature in the FusionPro menu. (You can uncheck the "Fonts" box if the collected Zip file is too large.)
  • You are setting FusionPro.Composition.impositionSheetBackgroundFrontPage in the wrong rule. That should be done in OnJobStart, not OnRecordStart. Please closely follow the example I linked to earlier.
  • Your page types are wrong. The Banner page should be of type Template, not Body, and the main page should NOT be set to Unused. Again, please follow the example.

The biggest problem, though, is that I think we have different ideas of what a "banner" sheet is. You seem to want to impose the actual output pages in three of the four spots on the sheet, with some alternate content in that first (top left) spot. That's possible, but not simple, and the custom imposition background is the wrong way to do it anyway.


Instead, what I think you really want is a slip sheet. That's what's usually used for this kind of thing. So you should add a page of type Body, set to Unused, that's set to the same size as the imposed sheet size (20" x 29"), then select that page's name under "Slip Sheets" on the Imposition tab of the Composition Settings dialog. You probably want to select "Beginning of a stack", and set the stack size as appropriate in FP Imposer. Note that you don't have to actually chunk the output to multiple files to use stacking and slip sheets (though you can send each stack to its own chunk if you want).

Edited by Dan Korn
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