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Multi Lingual text Field


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Hi there, I have created a business card template in Digital storefront using Fusion Pro with front of the card being in English and the reverse of it being in Chinese. Now the customer is asking for a Korean and Hindi version. If there a rule that i can insert to make the same template to accept Korean, Hindi text as well as Chinese text without duplicating the template?


Any help is much appreciated.

Thanks Naval

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Well, you'll need a patch build of FusionPro to output Hindi; you can contact Support about that. But other than that, you shouldn't need any special rules for your template to read in double-byte Unicode text and typeset it. Korean should work just as well as Chinese, as long as you're using a font that supports it. Is there a specific problem you're having with Korean text?
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Probably that's the reason why it is not working. I don't think there is a font that supports both Korean and Chinese language unless you or someone else knows about it. i have attached a screenshot for reference.


Thanks Dan for your help.




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Probably that's the reason why it is not working. I don't think there is a font that supports both Korean and Chinese language unless you or someone else knows about it. i have attached a screenshot for reference.

Well, first, you should always do a Compose and look at the log file for any warning messages, instead of just a Preview. You also need to make sure to UN-check the "Limit text to Latin-1" box on the Advanced tab of the Composition Settings dialog. And you need to have the "Enable Asian Character Support" box on the Advanced Settings dialog (or in the installer) before you load fonts.


Once you have done those things, there are several fonts that support Chinese, Japanese, and Korean (CJK) text. Arial Unicode MS is the closest thing I know of to a "pan-Unicode" font that tries to support the majority of textual Unicode characters.

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