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Is this possible?


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I have an 18 page PDF file, which contains the front and back of 9 different pieces of artwork. All 9 get numbered on the front, the exact same numbering. (1 - 600) Is it possible to print all 9 at one time and have them compose each piece? I have a layout I made in composer which is 6-up, stack set to infinite. I want it to stack print 1-100 in position 1, and 101-200 in position 2, and so forth, of just the first 2 pages (piece 1 of 9 2-sided) then start piece 2 and repeat until all 9 are done. My finished document would be a 1800 page document with the first 200 pages containing the numbering artwork (1-600) of Piece 1, and so forth. I hope I explained this well enough.
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I could be wrong but it sounds like you just want to repeat each page 600 times (pulling the sequence number from FusionPro.Composition.repeatRecordNumber) and set your stack height to 100 instead of infinite.


Are you using a data file to determine which artwork to pull in? If you're using a 9 record data file you would set your OnRecordStart rule up like this:

// This assumes that the first and second page of
// your template are the front and back of the
// first version of artwork repectively. 
var pg = 1
var pages = [];
while (pg<18)

FusionPro.Composition.repeatRecordCount = 600;
var [front, back] = pages[FusionPro.Composition.inputRecordNumber-1];
FusionPro.Composition.SetBodyPageUsage(front, true);
FusionPro.Composition.SetBodyPageUsage(back, true);

Then your sequence number rule would look like this:

return FusionPro.Composition.repeatRecordNumber;


If you aren't using a data file, you'd have to add this OnJobStart rule:

FusionPro.Composition.composeAllRecords = false;
FusionPro.Composition.startRecordNumber = 1;
FusionPro.Composition.endRecordNumber = 9;


I think that should work for what you're trying to accomplish. I will admit, though, that I haven't tested it.

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I am not using a data file to determine which artwork to pull in. I implemented all the javascript you supplied, and I received an error message on the OnRecordStart rule. It says I'm missing a variable name on line 10. I apologize if I missed an obvious step.
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This may help explain. I've attached a file. I suppressed the static info, to avoid any confidentiality issues. You can see the numbering stays the same for 18 pages (9, 2-sided pieces of artwork) and then moving to up the next number. I want the entire sheet to count up with the same art (first 2 pages) and then move to pages 3 and 4 and repeat the process starting at 001.



I hope this helps

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This may help explain. I've attached a file. I suppressed the static info, to avoid any confidentiality issues. You can see the numbering stays the same for 18 pages (9, 2-sided pieces of artwork) and then moving to up the next number. I want the entire sheet to count up with the same art (first 2 pages) and then move to pages 3 and 4 and repeat the process starting at 001.



I hope this helps


Attached is my testing....


For the numbering you will have to create a rule and populate with with:

return FusionPro.Composition.repeatRecordNumber;


Edited by tou
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My setup is a tad bit different....2 page template:

pulling page 1,2 for record 1

pulling page 3,4 for record 2

....and so on


So I'm not sure.


Sorry. I will test an 18 page document out for the moment.

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I am not using a data file to determine which artwork to pull in. I implemented all the javascript you supplied, and I received an error message on the OnRecordStart rule. It says I'm missing a variable name on line 10. I apologize if I missed an obvious step.


My apologies, I didn't realize you were using FP7.2. Try this:

// This assumes that the first and second page of
// your template are the front and back of the
// first version of artwork respectively. 
var pg = 1
var pages = [];
while (pg<18)

FusionPro.Composition.repeatRecordCount = 600;
[color="Red"]var page = pages[FusionPro.Composition.inputRecordNumber-1];
FusionPro.Composition.SetBodyPageUsage(page[0], true);
FusionPro.Composition.SetBodyPageUsage(page[1], true);[/color]

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Okay, I decided to test. I'm not going to attach the template because it's version 9 so it won't be any use to you on version 7 but I've attached the output and the imposition file.


Here's how my template is set up:

It is 18 pages. Page 1 is an orange page that says "Front," Page 2 is the corresponding orange page that says "Back" (admittedly the orange came out a little darker than PANTONE 165 but I digress), Page 3 is a purple page that says "Front" and so on and so forth.


Because I'm lazy, I didn't go into FusionPro > Manage Pages > Page Usage and set all of the pages to "unused," instead I modified the code to turn on the pages that correspond to each record and turn off the pages that don't. I've highlighted that code in green below. If you've already set all of your pages to "Unused" then the change isn't necessary – though it won't hurt anything.


On each page, I have a text frame that returns a text rule called "Sequence."


In the example I attached, I created 30 of each record (rather than 600). That will give me a stack height of 5 cards (front and back) so I've adjusted the imposition file accordingly.


Here are the rules I used:


FusionPro.Composition.composeAllRecords = false;
FusionPro.Composition.startRecordNumber = 1;
FusionPro.Composition.endRecordNumber = 9;



var pg = 1
var pages = [];

while (pg<18)

[color="YellowGreen"]pages.forEach(function(s,p) { 
   FusionPro.Composition.SetBodyPageUsage(s[0], p == FusionPro.Composition.inputRecordNumber-1);
   FusionPro.Composition.SetBodyPageUsage(s[1], p == FusionPro.Composition.inputRecordNumber-1);

FusionPro.Composition.repeatRecordCount = 30; // Change to 600 and set your stack height to 100 in the imposition file


Sequence (text rule)

return FusionPro.Composition.repeatRecordNumber;


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