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Return value script


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Assuming you're asking because the value of 'x' is also a numeric value and you don't want the two values to be added together, you need to convert the two values to a string:

return String(1) + String(23); // returns 123


If you had more than just two numbers you might find it easier to use an array:

return [1,2,3].join(''); // returns 123

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I will reiterate as I think I was vague before.


When a user enters a 3 digit number which will be used for a phone extension I would like a script that will place an x in front of those 3 digits.



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When a user enters a 3 digit number which will be used for a phone extension I would like a script that will place an x in front of those 3 digits.

And if the user enters something else then...what?

var s = Field("YourFieldName");
if (s.match(/\d{3}/))
   return "x" + s;
return s;
// OR ???
return "";

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